Welcome to Renny Week!
The Feeds are back! Renny is far more composed and calm about this than I am... I am soooo excited about the upcoming week on the live feeds, I could burst!
Kitchen Area
Renny, April, Keesha, Jerry
Renny's asking Keesha & April about how many photos they got and talking about which ones she hopes to have in her HoH Room. Keesha's telling her about all the goodies she's gonna get.
Spa Room
Michelle, Memphis
They're rehashing the comp and all the questions...
6:11pm BBT
Dan joins Memphis and Michelle in the spa room. They're still rehashing the HoH Comp questions.
The Kitchen talk has turned to the comp as well now.
6:15pm BBT
50s Room
Memphis and Keesha share whispers of relief and joy...
Keesha: I can actually unpack my bags now... It actually couldn't have gone any better.CUT TO:
6:16pm BBT
Ollie & April
April: Smile.. It's not that bad. It's just a game.
Ollie and April move in to the 80s room and assume the pre-nomination position: under the covers.
6:19pm BBT
Memphis & Keesha
Moving around the house..
Memphis: It's just like Christmas day...
Keesha: Perfect.
Memphis: Perfect.
They land in the spa where Dan, Michelle and Renny are. Dan thanks Memphis for the Judas comment on the live show. Pleasantries all around. It's a happy, happy group of Renny's Renegades. Memphis is thinking about moving in to the Hippie Room so he can get a good night's sleep for a change.
Dan & Memphis agree Renny did a good job of looking around and pretending she was having to decide who to eliminate first.
All of them are in agreement that this HoH comp just couldn't have gone any better.
6:25pm BBT
Memphis: We came to win today. No f'in around.
Dan tells Keesha how Libra came to him last night saying she had 3, and she needed him as her 4th.
***I'm so excited, I can barely type.
6:36pm BBT
Keesha & Dan
Keesha & Dan are in the spa talking about how great it is Renny won..Keesha says it's great when someone who has never won HOH wins it..Dan said he was very happy for Renny. He remembers her being upset during Michelle's HOH reveal..
Dan: This is the best thing that could've happened..
Keesha: I'm not gonna lie..I'm happy right now..
Memphis & Michelle join the Renny celebration in the spa..Michelle says she had a feeling Renny was going to win..She is happy for her. Michelle tells them Renny is napping..
Dan says he is moving out of the 80's room.
6:48pm BBT
Memphis, Michelle, Dan & Keesha
Memphis, Michelle, Dan & Keesha are laughing about the HOH competition questions..
Michelle is questioning the word "tool" used to describe Jessie..
Michelle: Is that even a word you can use?
Dan: I bet Brian is happy I got his question right and sent Jerry out..
Keesha is feeling relief coming off the block with Renny as the new HOH. She takes a deep breath..
6:53pm BBT
Memphis, Michelle, Keesha, Dan
Memphis, Michelle, Dan and Keesha move the conversation into the kitchen..Michelle is curious about what the food competition tomorrow will involve. She also wonders if they will have a luxury competition. Keesha hopes for food for the week and new clothes..
7:00pm BBT
Around the feeds
*Memphis and Dan are playing chess..
*Michelle & Keesha are chatting in the kitchen..
*Ollie and April are cuddled in the 80's room....while Jerry lingers..
*Have not seen Renny in awhile..
7:02pm BBT
80's Room
April, Ollie, Michelle
Michelle joins April and Ollie to whisper..
Michelle: I just hope Renny plays for herself and not them..
Michelle leaves..April & Ollie whisper..
Ollie: At least I'll get to play for the veto.
Ollie tells April he would win the veto for her..
April: I can play for myself but thank you..
She goes on to say she has already won her prize..
April is called to the DR.
7:09pm BBT
The HOH Landing
Memphis & Dan
Dan: She had to go dude.
Michelle, Keesha & Jerry
Michelle tells Keesha she was able to wish her parents a Happy Anniversary when she talked privately to Julie..Michelle points out Libra said goodbye to everyone but her.
7:18pm BBT
Renny joins Michelle, Keesha & Jerry in the kitchen and comments it's quiet in the house.
7:23pm BBT
Lock down has ended..
Renny is asking when her family will see this episode..Michelle tells her they watched her tonight win HOH live..
7:30pm BBT
Michelle, Keesha, Renny, Jerry
Jerry and Michelle are telling Renny she needs to enjoy her HOH win..
Jerry: Enjoy it..you can't get in much trouble up there..
Michelle: Renny in the HOH room and a bottle of wine..
Mmm Hmmm... LOL
7:42pm BBT
Michelle & Keesha
Michelle & Keesha discussing how happy they are for Renny...They can't wait to see her family and hear her letter..They are saying the music, the photos, the letter, the gifts from home mean so much to them..It rejuvenates them..
Renny joins them..
Michelle: It hasn't hit you yet?? It will when you open that door..
Michelle is still surprised about the Jessie is a "tool" question.
Keesha says Memphis and Dan are moving into the Hippie Room with her..
7:55pm BBT
Renny & April
Renny is doing her hair and make-up..getting ready for her diary room session and HOH room reveal..April is also putting on make-up..
April: Did they call you in there yet?
Renny: Not yet..
April is hoping for a luxury competition or a movie..something fun..
Michelle, Ollie, April
April joins Ollie and Michelle in the kitchen...HG's are hungry..they keep checking the time..Slop ends for them at midnight BBT..Michelle says she will wait to eat. She doesn't want anymore slop..
Keesha & Memphis join the kitchen talk..Michelle says they should get the smaller table now..
8:03pm BBT
Memphis & Jerry
Brace yourself, America...Jerry & Memphis are playing pool together..
Memphis wins round one..
8:13pm BBT
Hippy Room
Keesha & Renny
Renny: What's Memphis' story, Keesha?
Keesha: You're not putting up April?
Renny: huh?
Keesha: You're not thinking of putting up April? Are you thinking about putting him up?
Renny: No.. just thinking.. Just wondering if he promised you something in the end..
Keesha: No. I don't have a deal with him. I don't have a deal with anyone. I had one with Libra and April, but we know how that went down.
Renny: He wouldn't take you to the end...Cause he knows you'd beat him.
Keesha: I don't know anyone in here that would take me to the end.
Renny: I'd take you to the end..
Renny seems to really want to put Memphis up..She is questioning Keesha about any deals with Memphis..Keesha says she likes Memphis but does not have any deals..Keesha mentions Michelle is a really strong player too..Renny thinks Memphis won't make it far in the game..Keesha says she thinks Michelle, Memphis and April are the strongest players in the game..
Renny tells Keesha she thinks Memphis would use them and anyone he could to get ahead in the game..
Keesha: Here's the deal I'm not gonna tell you who to put up..Put you need to put up two people and have a third for if they win POV..And you have to think about who is gonna go after you next week.
Renny: You gotta go with your guts sometimes..Ya know the Colonel, he put me up..
Keesha: Yeah, he's freaking out.
Renny: I gotta use him right now..
Keesha: Yeah, as HOH you can make deals..
Renny: And I can't play in HOH next week right?
Keesha: Right..
Keesha: I don't know who you are putting up..
Renny: Oh, I have a good idea..
Keesha: Use him (Memphis) for next week and make a deal that he won't put you up..
Renny: But if he doesn't win anything next week..
Renny says no one will take either of them to the end..They have to work together to take each other there..and make their moves accordingly..
8:36pm BBT Memphis interrupts Keesha & Renny...he brings a few of his things in the room and is taking the bedding off Libra's old bed.. He leaves to wash the bedding..
Keesha tells Renny over and over she has to do whats right for her..
Keesha: It's not about me it's what you want..you are HOH..do whats best for you..it could be your one and only chance..
Renny: Let me tell you something..I saw what Memphis was made of in that POV competition..
Keesha: I know I saw that..
Renny: Nobody better feel safe today..
Whispers and smiles..
Renny: I know a lot of people may like me but I'm about to make a lot of enemies..
8:48pm BBT
BB: Renny please come to the diary room..

Renny has all the power. Let's see if April will try to be up her butt like she was Michelle's. Renny better kick her butt not down the stairs, but over the rail.
That was pretty much the best HOH comp ever.
I liked on the last question when Renny answered in the form of a question, Jeopardy style.
She really deserved this. I'm hoping to see April and Colonel up there.
Thank you again Carolyn for giving us the chance to watch that "live" if in the east coast. Dinner will taste that much better knowing the results! This is going to be a great week!!!
I posted this under last heading, but did Jerry just say to Michelle "she didn't deserve it." about Renny? Like HE did? UGH. What's everyone's prediction on who goes up? She's a wild card!
Ryan I felt the same way as you during the HOH comp. I was screaming APRIL APRIL APRIL when Renny got it right! I heart Renny bigtime! She is a dawlin!
April and Jerry commence puckering. It won't help but will be hellishly funny to watch!
I'm so excited that Renny is HOH. April or Ollie but I think Jerry needs to go this week.
Now I can go back to watch the feeds.
Bet Jerry will be all about Renny this week.
Okay, I'm really happy that Renny won HoH, but I'm also very, very sad. And just in case you're totally clueless and need to ask why, it's because Michelle took off her awesome 80's Bon Jovi costume. I was ready for "Shot Through the Heart" or "Livin' On A Prayer" to come blaring through the TV speakers while Michelle slung her mane all around. Now my dream has come to naught...
Jerry is already starting his suck-up to HOH.
I am so happy for Renny she really deserves this!!
P.S. The TV show is starting to show April and Ollie closer together - they are working up to the "IN LOVE" part. LOL
When I heard the type of comp it was, I knew it was a perfect one for Renny. She is the only one who really listens to the others. Everyone else is usually to involved in their own thoughts to hear the context of the conversation.
She needs to break up April and Ollie.
Did you see how Ollie went into self-destruct mode when April was eliminated? That's exactly what will happen when she gets sent home. Abort! Abort!
I was so glad that Dan was the one to remove Jerry. Pay back is a (oops, I don't say that word, but I was thinking it).
I laughed so hard on the Jess ie the biggest tool quote.
Hmmmm. Hi Michelle. Why aren't April and Jerry not up your butt now? Wait. They are in the kitchen area with Renny. Shoe drop much?
I'm gonna chime in with Mike here and say that I can watch the feeds religiously again this week.
~ Ryan ~
did you hear the crowds laughs at april's face when she got her jealous butt kicked out of the game. can you imagine how much she's going to tell ollie how stupid he is tonight?....april's now 'so excited' to see renny's family, honey really do you think people can't see through your trash. goooo renny!
Jerry realizes he is screwed. He can't stand the fact that he was removed by Dan. April of course will blame it all on the sound. What will Ollie do?
Had to in the other post but didn't get posted....anyone else see the pissy look on Aprils face when Renny eliminated her?
Whooooo hoooooo! Go Renny! I was dying when they eliminated April, Jerry and Ollie! What fun!!!! It's going to be a great week! I wonder if Dan "threw" that comp. I wasn't expecting him to attempt to answer any questions!
YAY Renny, so happy for her!! this is going to be an awesome week!!
The most perfect HOH ever! As Renny dismissed April my heart soared and the look on Aprils face priceless. And Ollie just blowing the answer out of panic - wonderful All around great live show.
Awwwww, Jerry looks so lost sitting there.
Renny took out April
Dan took out Jerry.
yes yes yes!!! and can't wait for the sucking up to begin...i so hope renny blows april and jerry off
It all went so perfectly it was almost anticlimactic. C - I didn't think April would give a hinkey vote because she has no idea if Dan had to vote Keesha out - then she would be caught. Not that it matters now.
As much as I dislike them, I'm disappointed in April and Ollie. They are big talkers, but when it comes down to it, no courage.
I wish I could get a read on how America is reading April.
I'm soooooo excited!!!!
I hope she puts April & Ollie up and if one gets POV...put up mean nasty Jerry!!
Go Renny!!
Snoopy dance
Snoopy dance
Snoopy dance
Go Renny!!!!!
Does it get any better than this!!
(Louisiana cawl)
GO RENNY...GO RENNY..it's your day,,gonna celebrate!!!
April was pissed she got out first and to add a cherry on top...BY RENNY!!!
And Dan to get to boot Jerry.....oh justice is sweet!
Carolyn, Reporterx and helpers...Thank you so much for ALL that ya'll do...it is sooo very appreciated!
Felicia in Louisiana
genie sea: you and me both, lol. I was screaming April April April. When she named April I screamed, lol my poor neighbors prob don't know what's up. Best thing ever... April's face when she walked off.
This may be the best week ever in BB house!
I don't see Renny lettin Jerry or April up her butt.
I can hardly wait to see the nomination speech.
This will not be a good week for poor Oily.April is gonna be miserable.
If I was her I'd let it be known I was gonna put up April and Oily with the intention of back dooring Jerry.
Drive em all nuts!
I really hope it will be April/Ollie, but April/Jerry will be sweet, too.
I can't wait to learn more about Renny this week. She is far and away my most favorite. I don't think she will win(hoping she does), but sooooo glad she gets this opportunity.
it makes me mad to think that KEESHA can just sit all calm all week long
that girl needs to go next
not this week
but next week
bye bye keesha
I think April and Ollie should be put up and if pov plays in it, Jerry would be back up to go out.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!! I am sooo glad Renny is HOH!! I said earlier in the week I had a feeling it was her week!! Karma, karma, karma. All the smack talk from April this week has made me so nauseated. You are so gone April!! Ugly is as ugly does. I can't believe she thinks she is prettier than Keesha..ha..I would rather look at Jerry in his whitie tighties!! :-) not really but had to give an analogy of something!!
I don't think Jerry goes this week, Bama. I'd imagine April has to be the target. I'm guessing April and Ollie go up, with Jerry as a possible renom.
I think I would put up April and Ollie and use Jerry in the event the POV is used. 2 players still sit out for the POV.
April just told Ollie, it's just a game, lol...a game with a little bit of karma!
"Dairy Queen" is my favorite name for the DR that I've heard to this point.
Oh my gosh! I am soo very happy that Renny won HOH!! I am so happy for her!
I really hope she puts up Jerry!!
Hahaha, when Renny got the first question right, I, too, was screaming "April! April! April!" at the TV when she seemed like she didn't know who to pick! I hope to see April or Ollie up on the block...
What are we going to get now, sex to relieve the stress? And Jerry is in the room, lol.
WendyLady33 said...
Had to in the other post but didn't get posted....anyone else see the pissy look on Aprils face when Renny eliminated her?
That was my first thought, too, but then I thought, "Well, doesn't she always sorta look like that?"
The power of the house changes again!
Memphis, Keesha and Michelle are looking good for another week.
Here comes the BUTT kissing planning to go to Renny. April I hope to see you go home this week only cause you are much prettier then Keesha..GAGS..
thought i am sick....and tired of poor jerry. but i'm hoping april and ollie go up. it will be interesting to see how this affects their relationship. and i hope april goes. i don't think they show all the goodbyes that are taped, right?
Now we will all debate the best choice for noms. I would have put money on Jerry being a nominee a couple weeks ago-now not so sure.
I kind of hope Memphis and Keesha can put a buzz in her ear. We know that he can't stand Jerry but he was still going to put up A&O. They have to be split and it is too risky to have one on the block because of POV.
Worst case-A&O go up, one wins POV, Jerry as renom, Jerry gets evicted and we are stuck with A&O still in the house.
Just being on the block together could be enough to seperate that pair. We all know how quick Jen was to throw her love Ryan under the bus last year. Hell, she ran him over with the bus, backed up and ran him over again.
EXCELLENT-So happy for Renny--Dan and Memphis and Keesha worked as a team. Keesha never answered, hoping that Renny would be HOH and Dan did just enough to get his team safe.
My cats are hiding again from my screaming!
Oh, I cannot wait for sucking up to begin. And I hope Michelle calls out A/O/J out for there trying to switch the vote to get Keesha out. It would be a smart move, so it probably won't happen.
And Renny putting April out on the first question - priceless!
Loved how they made us question who Dan would vote for!
And the whispering begins. This is going to be a wonderful week n the BB house!
Love how Michelle can't believe Steven called Jessie a tool. Haaaa
Wait til she finds out we all did too!
Carolyn - perfection as usual. There goes that head again! Did you get the hat?
That was great. I loved seeing Renny look around a bit before she picked April off. April's face "priceless".
Just looked at some of the feeds and surprise surprise April and Jerry are in the kitchen with Renny.
Its going to be a great week.
Wendy33: I did and it was absolutely priceless. This gag-alliance really thought they deserved to win. Hahaha!
I wrote this on the last post
Was Jerry flipping the bird as he was scratching the side of his head after our darling Judas kicked him out of the game?
Man, Keesha is so self absorbed. "Now I can unpack" and, "...after the week I've had...."
please, you're still there! Shut up!
Woo Hoo for the Dahlin from Nawlins! That sour puss pucker on April's face when she was eliminated was priceless! Let's just hope Renny puts up the "sour puss" and her boyfriend for eviction...that way if either one of them wins the POV, they can't save one another and Mr. Jeriatrics can be the re-nom! What a great week in the house its gonna be!
Did anyone hear what michelle was saying to Keesha after the HOH i couldn't tell if she was being mean or talking about something house related?
The look on April's face was priceless.
Tonight's show more than made up for Tuesday's show. I HATED Tues.'s show. But I feel now that all is right in the world.
now heres hoping j/o/a are on slop for the week also!!!
Yeah ... Renny Week!
I just went to CBS to vote (again) for coconuts since most of them are nuts. Love how it tells me to tune in Tues to see what "we - America" has chosen. Oh no honey, mama gonna find out on the feeds or at least on here.
G'night all!
Thanks again for another memorable evening.
Wow, That pissy nasty look from April when she was eliminated, was awful. The venom in that girl is scary.
I watched the show at my stepbrother's...just stopped in to say RENNYLICIOUS!! Can't wait to see her family tonight on Showtime.
Yes, that was so much fun to watch. April was fuming.
Does anyone else think Dan and Memphis threw the comp?
Am so happy 4 renny
Let's see if Jerry is going to be up Renny's behind now that she's HOH.
And I too saw April's disdain when she was eliminated, and she deserved it. I'll call it "karma".
I can't wait to see April and Ollie on the block with Jerry as the Re-nom. It's going to be awesome. April is gonna talk trash on Ollie and get sent home.
Good week all around.
I'm so excited to see Renny's room and I'm glad she'll get a letter from home. I'm also glad to see either Jerry or April go home this week. I'd like to see Ollie in the house without those two just to see what kind of game he's keeping in his back pocket. Whoo-Hoo!
BTW, Rhonda, re: the last post:
I am NOT an April cheerleader.lol.
I'm Renny. All the way.
But will be happy with Memphis or Dan winning.
I can even accept Keesha, but I'm not rooting for her. I only am in terms of keeping her around as long as it benefits Renny, Dan, and Memphis.
The 3 went down like flies. I was loving it!! The look on April's face was priceless. Someday I think it's gonna freeze that way. Renny was great trying to act like she didn't know who to choose. I was yelling, April, April, April!
My sister & I talked for about 15 min after the show how very happy we are for Renny. She so deserves this & I am very excited she is going to see pics of family & hopefully get a letter.
Boy, this couldn't have gone any better than if all of the BB addicts who wanted it to go this way had written a script!
Let's just see how long it takes for A/O/J to start kissing her butt. Michelle will to, for sure!
Like Memphis said, It feels like Christmas. I am soooooo happy!
Great show & thanks Carolyn for providing it once again for those that weren't able to see it on T.V. You rock!!!
Who's the one we love the best?
Who is better than all the rest?
April/Ollie/backdoor Jerry? Thoughts?
Why does Renny not look happy?
Could someone please explain the first half of tonight's live show -which showed April, Ollie & Jerry joining forces to evict Keesha and then telling Libra to secure the final 4th vote from Dan? Why did it go 6-0 Libra tonight then? A lot surrounding that was missing on the show & blogs.
Since I have headphones on I heard what A/O were saying... April said to Ollie that Renny said "oh now you want to be my friend".
Love it!!!!
Delayed realization:
I was so excited as soon as JAO got knocked out I wasn't even thinking about the HG reactions.
Keesha, Memphis and Dan have been called cocky, arrogant, full of themselves, inconsiderate, rude and much more. All week long by all 3 of the 'others'.
Now compare the reaction tonight-happy for Renny, calm, gracious, no rubbing it in the others faces, no threats.
Last week-loud, obnoxious, obscene, rude, threatening, VERY arrogant and happy for themselves, NOT for Michelle.
Haven't the Jeritol gang figured out that every time they open their mouths they are actually talking about themselves. You know, "I'm rubber, you're glue."
I bet that is what Dan's been telling himself all along. That is probably why he can continue to smile no matter what Jerry says.
DmeisterJ - I love the pic of the kitty. Sooooo cute!
Carolyn, I am SOOOO freakin happy. I know what you mean, when Renny knocked out April, my stomach was jumping for joy, it was crazy. I was seriously shakin in my shorts when Renny won, I am sooooo happy! I can actually be happy this week that I will watch the feeds and possibly force myself to stay awake for BBAD. YAY!!
~ Ryan ~
It was a great episode, I agree Libra looked beautiful tonight.
I don't think memphis or dan wanted to win the last comp, but I could be wrong. I really don't like the kind of person April is. She said Keesha should go because she's 30 and a waitress, and had never been to college. That was so elitist! I hope she goes next.
Obviously my meds have kicked in cause my last post was so messed up.......sorry.
That was awesome! I'm so happy Renny won and she played the game brilliantly. Loved April's expression when Renny eliminated her! Dan did great getting Jerry out. I don't even mind that Dan & Memphis threw it - I wanted Renny to see her family. I really think she will nominate April and Ollie (even though she wants Jerry out too). She wants to watch them squirm and maybe turn on each other (and not be able to save each other). I wonder if April will suck up quite as much or if she and Ollie will spend all their time in bed whispering how much they hate everyone. Now that Jerry can't help them, they will totally abandon Jerry. Can't wait to watch April, Ollie & Jerry implode.
I agree with the majority. I think the noms will be April and Ollie with Jerry as the renom. If Jerry wins POV and takes one of them off I don't know who the renom would be, maybe Michelle. I just not sure.
I bet April will also be mad that Ollie never comes through lol.
Oh I just thought of something....the girls usually mention on the feeds when they get their periods, and April said I'm next to get mine (was a while ago), yet I don't think she got it, at least she didn't say?
Do they have EPT's in the jury house I wonder?
YEA Renny!
Off subject a bit. Do you wonder why Dan and Jerry still stay in the same room? There are other beds open. Actually I just thought about it, Memphis is moving into the Hippie room Dan should too at least for this next week.
Marci - Thanks :) 6 days left on the auction. ;)
I had one last thought. When they have the HOH reveal do you think Jerry and April will knock each other down the stairs fighting to be first in line for butt kissing duty?
I'll be staying up with my popcorn and rockstar just in case.
@ Julissa -
Dan definitely threw the comp, but cleverly did it so that he was 3rd overall, showing the other HGs that he's still a weak player but doesn't come last and can still answer questions correctly.
Don't think Memphis threw the comp. Although, I guess he & Dan knew they were sitting pretty this week so it wouldn't matter either way!
gooo renny roooo
a/o upppppp
So yeah, I'm liking this HOH. I was screaming April's name at the TV when Renny won the first question.
I'm going to watch it again. :-)
I find it interesting that Michelle pretended she didn't know Libra approached Dan for his "fourth vote". And Dan played along....interesting...
"***I'm so excited, I can barely type"
I'm with ya, Carolyn!:)
April/Ollie, or April/Jerry, I think that will be the way it goes.
I'm REALLY going to enjoy this week.
Beorn re 80s costume - LMAO
blue - Who is the cutie in your pic??? Adorable.
Blue....but April thinks all of America LOVES her *smirk* just thinking you'd jump on that wagon (NOT)
Agree, LOVE Renny and so glad she gets to see her family and gets HOH.
So, how long before April and Jerry start kissing butt? Bets anyone?
I am reposting this here since didn't know a new one had opened, takes me so long to type them i am always running behind. Oh well I can add a new thought at the end.
I am doing the Yes dance right now, ding, da, ding , ding, ding!!!
First time on the computer in 3 days, I should have mine back late tomorrow night. my daughter has been too busy all week to fix it.
Watching show at a friend's and checking in here.
Carolyn, thanks so much just saw that you had posted my poem. Thanks to all of you for the kind comments. It means more than i can say, actually make me tear up. I will have to get to work on a new one. Lotsa material comin in the next few days I bet!
I just read 3 days worth of postings and comments. Needless toi say people in this house were looking at me with raised eyebrows at how much I laughed as I read some of them. Gaytor, one of yours made me choke and shoot Fresca out my nose!
Thrilled to see Renny as HOH. I have no doubt that April and Ollie are goin up.The look on April's face after Renny booted her from HOH was pure evil. Can't wait to see her and Oily on the block. I don't think April will be able to handle it. I see threats, guilting people, ass kissing, panic attacks, and god knows what else coming up. I am prepared for fights like we have never seen before. I have no sympathy for Ollie either, he made his bed, or should I say made it in the bed.
BB definitely showed a bit more of the ugly sides of A & O. Kudos to them.
Jerry needs to defect and expose the sex and tonight will be perfect!!! Even though he is well past redemption in the house, I want to see him betray them and do some crawling.
I don't want to sound cruel but SUFFER you three _________ fill in your own expletive.
No one knows how much I have missed being here this last week. It's pure agony being without all of you, Especially the Goddesses Carolyn, Reporter X, and Dawn who work so tirelessly on all our behalf. Saying to my self as I click my heels and turn "there's no place like Dish, there's no place like Dish, there's no place like dish......
Hopefully I shall wake up soon and be returned to the land of Dish, much better place than Kansas (nothing against Kansas).
Oops, gotta give up the computer now and head home, don't want to overstay my welcome, can't miss men's volleyball and women's beach volleyball!!!!!!
Hi All!
I am SOOOOOO Happy for Renny! GO Renny!
April is pouting in the room with Ollie - POOR baby, NOT! Her face was priceless, when Renny took her off - if she have killed someone she would have.
Just reading some of the comments after posting on voting for food comps, and came up with something funny - On food comp day 3 wake up songs:
1. Put the lime in the coconut
2. Good Ship Lollipop
3. Oscar Meyer Bologna song
LOL - is that to obvious or not? Oh, one more, the Slop song that some audience member made up for the overnight wakeups. It's gonna be another good day and night and day and so on....!
I voted for bologna.
Jane - When the blogger was down this week, I was on another BB site (in desperation Carolyn, true to you and Team Dish) and she was already rated most on one and 2 most hated on another. The only thing is, we don't know how many TV only people are voting. After tonight, I would think even TV only would agree! (another happy dance) lol
If the HG's only knew the impact of Steven's "tool" had on America! And, Carolyn, if you get the hat, we want a pic of you with it on, k? Giddy up!
I'm so excited!! YIPEE for Renny!!!
I missed the show on here, but I get to watch shortly. (my dad called and took me out for dinner, how do you turn down a free meal LOL)
Can't believe April and Ollie think their best strategy is to lay down and cover up....too funny!!
BBL gonna go get heat on my back for a bit.
See u all soon !
Poor poor Michelle. The only one who doesn't realize Jessie is a tool. :P
I am so doing the happy dance STILL!!! Way to go Renny!!!!! She can put up Ollie, April or Jerry and will be P*E*R*F*E*C*T!!!! I am glad Renny will see her family.
I find it interesting that April and Jerry are MIA right now. In weeks past, they couldn't crawl up the new HoH's butt quick enough.
Could it be that they know they can't BS Renny the way they have the previous winners?? That Renny is on to them, and can see through it, and they know it?
I can only dream.
Julissa, the *cutie* is my niece, she turns 5 in two weeks and is starting kindergarten. I changed to that pic in her honor for the month, since it's such a *big girl* month for her.
She and her 2 1/2 y/o sister are the apples of my eye.
Thanks for asking!:)
I'm lovin' it!!
I am so glad Renny won HoH. So friggin' thrilled for her. Gonna be an awesome week!!! Can't wait to see her room.
OK, I am NOT a Jerry fan, but what makes me hate April more is now that she doesn't need him, she's going to ignore him. Now he really will feel alone, except for Keesha and Michelle, who (I'm pretty sure) will still talk to him. I keep telling myself not to feel bad for him, but I can't help it. Anyone else feel like that?
I personally think April and Ollie noms and Michelle renom... Jerry is annoying and mean but has no sway in the house.
April says "If she was smart, she'd put up Jerry & Dan"...
Oh you wish, sweetie
Buh-bye Nellie Olsen!
I cannot believe the nerve of that
Ape-ril to say Keesha hates her cuz she's prettier and then make that face like "Duh....of course I am"
I wonder how much of America thinks she's as great as she does and I can't wait for her to get a big ol' reality check!
- debbie-
April: "if she were smart she would put up Jerry and Dan"
Yeah ok most beautiful and most kindhearted one. Your butt's gonna be on the block because Renny IS smart!
Carolyn, Thank you SO much for posting the live show. You saved us. (Don't know why it wasn't there when I first refreshed.) As so many have said before, you are the BEST! And then Renny got HOH. What could be better?
Happy Sally
Call me crazy, but I don't see much gameplay this week. The battle lines have pretty much been drawn. Although I suppose I should never assume anything in this game.
THANKS Carolyn! Just wishing everyone a goodnight--I gotta be up early, so it's already time for me to leave the HGs for the evening. At least we can all go to bed happy for Renny--I love how she's handling HoH already!
Good for Renny! This is going to be a fun week. Hopefully April will be going home. And to make it a little more unbearable for her I voted for bologna. Since she does not eat meat and does not like to see others eat it. I believe she is the only one that thinks she is pretty. No way is she in the league of Keesha.
Lee ~ Deep down I do feel bad for Jerry. I truly dislike the man for the serious s#!t he's said about some people in the house, but I do deep down want to love the man.
Oh, Jerry kissing Keesha's ass with saying he didn't take Libra off the block cause he wanted to protect Keesha. Yuk. (Sorry, I am REALLY trying!)
Oh and just for one last thing, RENNY'S RENEGADES...MOUNT UP!!
~ Ryan ~
Oh, I just love, love, love this! Sooo happy Renny won! The look on April's face was hilarious...I hope she could hear through the BB house walls...the sounds of the live audience cheering that her lil butt was booted out the comp, lol!!
And could it have been any better karma that Dan booted sourpuss Jerry? Hahahah...oh wait - that's MISTER Judas if ya nasty, lol!! Loves it.
Ollie's lost in space as usual, lol. Ahhhhh... that's the sound of me kickin back with a big ol smile on my face anticipating the great week ahead. I'm a very happy camper.
Don't want to make anyone mad. People are entitled to not like Keesha. But why she she feel relaxed this week?
Let's take a walk down memory lane.
HOH#1 Jerry-April knew she was safe. She let him grope her.
HOH#2 Jesse-April jumped in his arms like he was the one she was sleeping with.
HOH#3 Keesha-April showered her with hugs and kisses like they were BFFLs.
HOH#5 Michelle-Another round of hugs and kisses.
I skipped week 4 because when April was HOH it was the ONLY time she didn't feel safe.
Renny and Keesha have been close from the start. At least there is no faking or butt kissing in this relationship. It's genuine. I say let Keesha relax and have fun with it. And I also wouldn't be opposed to her rubbing a little salt in the wound. Just hide the knives.
And here we go, April is already turning on Jerry now that she doesn't need his vote to get out Libra. Doesn't she realize that she will need it when she is up on the block this week! What a "tool"! Ha ha ha!
Boy this is going to be a good week.
And now to Keesha, Jerry is taking credit for him not taking Libra off. He was so ready to vote Keesha out. I wondered how long his hatred of Keesha would last with Renny HOH.
re: April, she already won her prize?
I think I'm gonna puke!
CVenus - Here's my official and public request for a chop of April as Nellie Olson...
OMG OMG! I am doing a big Happy Dance!!!
Renny Won!!!!!
WOO HOO!!! I am so excited I could have the potential to have to change my pants!!!!!!
I Love Renny!!
Way to go Dawlin!!!!
Genie - Great minds think alike! :-)
I also liked that little exchange between April & Ollie about Keesha being jealous of April. I loved Ollie's look when she said "It's because I'm prettier than she is"
Keesha is being so naive right now.
Did she not see that Michelle and April will grafted to each other last week? Why would she believe anything Michelle says? Now Michelle is saying "it's a game." Not what she was screaming last week.
I think it's incredibly naive of Keesha to believe that Libra just fabricated the 3 other votes. Even if she had secured Dan's vote and there were no other votes, why would she bother?
Life is good. Center square all the way! haha. If I were honest with myself I think I'm a Dan Fan all the way, but i'm still sticking with my prior prediction and supporting Keesha. It couldn't have gone any better. I can't wait for Renny Week.
Now, on to April and her "prize"...gag me with the Colonel's toenail clippings. I wish double evictions really did mean both noms went home. And, I hope those noms are April and Ollie.
I think I just heard the best thing ever in the house.
April and Ollie in the bed.
Ollie: I didn't come in here to win ten thousand dollars.
April: I already have my prize. (him)
Ollie: I got nothing in this game (pause) except for you.
Nice recovery Ollie, NOT LOL
Renny's probably pretending to be asleep to avoid the immediate"up your butt crew"
I'm sure she's got some great one liners she's been keepin quiet and now's her chance to ROAR!
Oh Carolyn, I'm laughing so hard I can't find the words to express it.
Nellie Olsen??? Absoflippinlutely perfect!!!!
Mama Renny won't take ANY butt kissing!!!
Sorry April! Save your energy for other activities!!!!!
It's me carmencita formely known as Twilightbynite
Carolyn how bummed was I when my modemn went out and couldn't get on while the show was on. I wanted to share my exitement with everyone so bad! That HOH comp could not have gone any better. I was jumping outta my seat when Renny got the first question cuz I knew she was taking April out. I especially loved hor she pretended to consider who she was gonna take out. It was great!!
Now its time to catch up on whats been happening since the feeds came back.
Carolyn...again thank you so much for the site I love it!
THt wen PERFECT! I am so happy right now I oculd BURST!!!!
I knew she'd pick April to go first, LOVED THAT!
Could this day get any better? Hehe! I'd love to see April try to fake her way with Renny, HAH!
I'm still doin' the happy dance! ;)
April as Nellie Olsen and Jerry as Mrs. Olsen.
Is the only word I can think of =)
Just listening to April these last weeks shows me how selfish this brat is. Maybe when she said she already had won her prize, she meant cash and designer outfits?
Anyone agree?
Oh Blue, ya just melted me with the niece thing! That is so sweet!! She is adorable. Guys with kids and animals.....does me in every time. Soft spot in my heart.
Jerry is already trying to get in a little I think...slowly getting away from April/Ollie it looks like.
That ... was ... orgasmic! Ok, now let's all have a ciggy (metaphorically speaking) and have a little pillow talk ;)
I won't say it! I won't say it! I won't say it! Ok I'll say it:
Now the houseguests can do to April what Ollie's been doing all along!! (Soorrryy I couldn't resist)
The smartest thing Ollie could do is have a dramatic break-up with April, otherwise he will go down with the ship (I think I spelled that correctly).
Jerry is gonna be the ugly dog this week, with only pity smiles and talk.
I hope Renny milks her position for all it's worth ... treats them all like her slaves: "Hmmmm, my ankles are weak ... could one of u boys carry me around for a while?" hehe
This will be the most relaxing time Keshia has ever had in BB10. She better take advantage of it while she can!
Happy RENNY Week, Y'all!
LOL Carolyn! I did the happy dance too! I had a rough day but this made it alllll better!!
*Still dancing!!!*
I just want to keep commenting on how happy i am, i can't help it!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
So who does everyone think she'll throw up?
I'm hoping April & Jerry and then Ollie if someone uses POV :)
When my (TV only) husband heard April say that she was prettier than Keesha, he said Absolutely Not! I told him that she not only thinks she is prettier but she is smarter, and loved so much more by America.
I hope Renny puts up April and Ollie but she tells Jerry that he is lucky this week because she only had two people to put up.
I’ve noticed that the only people on this blog that like April are all named Anonymous! What are the chances??
Dineane - Yesterday evening you asked what other Dish fans are from NC. I was born and raised there.
Ilissa – last “…I watch myself brush my teeth and make sure it's as attractive as possible.” It cracked me up.
I guess Gaytor is with his boy Kenny tonight. Details. Details. Details.
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy
BB - Izzy, stop singing!
Izzy - screw you...Renny won
Maybe we all should all greet each other as 'dawlins' this week in honor of Renny. Whatcha think, dawlins?
Gawd...I'm just giddy over this win!!!
Carolyn, doing the one-legged happy dance! Looks funny, but hey, works for me ;) Got the dog barking LOL He thinks I'm crazy, course I am, but we won't tell anyone.
Don't know how many times my husband tells me 'They can't hear you yelling at them" when I am screaming at the tv or computer!
I really wish they would bring on the HoH room reveal. I'm excited.
I'll probably cry, if Renny cries.
nellie olsen. heeheehee.
it's a work night. i'm exhausted. but, i'm having a glass of wine to toast rennylicious.
and i appreciate the aaaaiiieeee (from louisiana) earlier. i know and love that sound, and it fits!
There should introduce a new award.
The Golden Tool Award.
First recipient Jessie. Second recipient April.
Another Dan said: "I hope Renny milks her position for all it's worth ... treats them all like her slaves: "Hmmmm, my ankles are weak ... could one of u boys carry me around for a while?" hehe"
LMFAO!!!!I can totally hear her saying that! It would warm my heart.:)
I just can't stop commenting on the stupidity of April. Now I am more baffled than ever.
Memphis doesn't deserve to win because his car has appreciated to the point that it's worth more than first place.
Libra shouldn't win because her Christmas tree and decorations are worth more than some homes.
Keesha doesn't deserve the money because she is a poor waitress with no college education.
One of these things is not like the other. Even if Jerry was the nicest guy in the world, he would really be screwed. Social security and a wife with a serious illness. That witch would never let him win.
Did ya notice when Libra snubbed Michelle...Priceless...Michelle is the one I want out because she blamed everything on Libra then had the nerve to speak badly about her mothering skills (come on it's just a game!) but Julie called her out and her face went red it was awesome now she knows that America isn't to fond of her either..I'm happy for Renny but I really don't know who I want to win...(at this moment)
I gotta say it. I thought, without question, Jesse was the biggest jerk in BB history. April has completely changed my mind. I almost feel like..."Jesse who?"
Now, you have to be just plain disgusting to have almost eliminated The Great and Powerful Toolbag from my memories.
Good job April!!!
Just wanted to say good luck to Rhonda on your surgery. Will you have a laptop with you?
Maybe April and Ollie will start doing it in the living room now. She has nothing to flaunt except that she's getting some.
Alright...I'm going to bed for real now, but I had to say one more thing tonight:
Is Renny not GORGEOUS, particularly in the shots that Carolyn has posted above? Seriously, the woman is beautiful with that smile, those eyes, everything...
G'night y'all!
I just want to tell all of you that I love chatting with all of you and I love this site.
I had a really rough day but coming here has lifted my spirits and put me in a better mood. ♥
renny's renegades....please be careful with what you say to michelle.
libra is a pretty woman and can be so funny. it was nice to see her family.
watching jerry, april and michelle at pool last night...i dub them grinches. they couldn't stand the other hgs having fun. i heart you all.
I think Michelle is treading in dangerous waters by playing both side... it's working for her now, but it could bite her in the rear big time in a week or two.
Thus, I agree with genie sea for Michelle as renom... April and Ollie going up and Jerry using POV is the only situation where I can see danger for Renny, K, D and M. If Jerry won POV and took O or April down, I wouldn't trust Michelle to stick with Renny's eviction choice and vote with the house. If Michelle, Jerry and April or Ollie are voting, there could be trouble. Thus put her up to ensure that Dan, Keesha and Memphis are all voting.
Go Renny!
OMG! Jerry just said "you know how I feel about you cuz I tell you right to your face". Are you kidding me? So you told Keesha you were trying to get her out this week? Oh that's right, I forgot I heard that about 20 times. It just seemed in MY mind like you were trying to flip the house. Give me a break, Colonel! Boy, my impression of him took a nose dive quicker this week than any one in BB history.
Come on, bring on HOH reveal!
Julissa -
I thought the very same thing about Dan and Memphis, they threw the HOH comp.
They did it at the right time - after April, Ollie and Jerry were out!
Glad Renny won. She deserved it this week.
Hope April and Ollie go up and the noms stay the same after POV.
Then Bye, Bye April!!
A girl can dream.....
ReporterX took over this post about an hour ago.. I was too excited to transcribe. ;) And there were about 150 comments waiting to be published.
Loved Renny and Keesha's goodbye messages to Libra.
Not surprised with Ollie and April's tho really. It's all about me, me me
Izzy dawlin' ROFLMAO!
Thanks Crisi...yes, will have laptop. Probably be back on by Tuesday, I hope. Just be very drugged :)
I am still doing the "Yes, Dance" & the "Happy Dance" & the "Snoopy Dance"! I just have to do all 3. I think I'm going to have a glass of wine too. I know for a fact there will be tears tonight when Renny gets her room. Keesha will move in like Renny did with her. I hope Keesha is able to enjoy her week & can plot, plot, plot. I agree for now she deserves it. I think she was literally holding her breath when Julie was giving the votes.
I want A&O to be up & watch their relationship fizzle away! April be gone.
I rewatched the HOH game because I was yelling so much I missed some stuff. After the wonderful choice from Renny of April, you could hear the studio audience cheer. They also cheered extremely loud when Renny won. I thought Keesha played it great, she didn't answer one ??? & let all the rest knock themselves out. It was obvious Ollie panicked.
One of my most favorite moments was the look Ollie gave April when she said, because I'm prettier. He was like, yeah, sure, whatever! My sister's husband is a TV only & he cannot stand April. Thinks she is so fake.
I noticed the same thing when I read those anonomooses.
But I hardly ever read the Anons unless there are very few comments.
I go to the names I know or ones who at least have the courage of their convictions enough to type some initials in at the bottom.
GayTor is going to be soooooo happy about the outcome tonight!
I hope he's enjoying my boyfriend, Kenny(hehehe)He'll be in my neck of the woods in about a month or so.
I'm really looking forward to hear and see who appears genuine and who comes across as fake when Renny is let into her room. I know I'm going to be biased, but, I will try my best to be objective.
LOL, okay, even I didn't believe that!
Boy April seems really happy for some reason. She has a real case of the giggles.
I was a clumsy kid and used to fall down a lot. The embarrassment always overshadowed the pain at that moment. I learned to laugh to hide the pain.
I say, laugh like there's no tomorrow April. You deserve a good laugh. And rest assured, when you are laughing you will not be alone because we will all be laughing AT you.
Carolyn, you are just too cute!!! Think we are all so excited for Renny. Feels like the 'good guy' won! Can't wait to see her face when she sees her room!
Know I am going to cry when she reads her letter....I am such a sap!
Hugs ReporterX, you are great too!
Ok..I officially HATE Michelle. She is the BIGGEST liar. Serious, now she is saying ANOTHER lie about Libra and trying to get votes. She is just a sad sad person. Really. I hope when Libra sees her in the house she gives her a beat down.
Carolyn - I have a question -
Can the houseguests "barter" with their various prizes that they have already won? Just curious - I think I remember last season's cast saying something about not being able to, but I wondered if anything had changed for this season...
Thanks for keepin everyone up to date on everything, this site is the BEST!!
I'm gonna watch the worst coast feed and crash.
I love this site .
I laugh and scream and--well it's not quite sex--but I love all your comments and it sure can change the mood of a day;D
Thank you all
It's gonna be a great week with Renny!Fun Fun Fun
LOl so my computer froze for a minute on the feeds and it was Memphis & Keesha with two HUGE grins on their face, priceless!
Michigan - Shhh.. we don't want to spoil the olympics for the west coasties ;)
As far as noms go. I can't see her putting up anyone besides April and Ollie with Jerry as renom. Not only is the best for her side of the house but getting April out is the best game play.
Now if Jerry were to win POV and take April down I was thinking that she might put up Dan as a fun poke at him for not giving her his vote in week one. She teases him all the time about it. The only problem though is that A and J could convince Michelle to vote out Dan for the Jessie vote. Best bet is if J win POV and takes A off Renny would put Michelle up as replacement.
Kitty, I'm glad you are feeling better & tonight went so well to offset your rough day!!!
Tonight is like a huge party & we are all talking at one time!!!
I think Renny is overwhelmed with the win & can't believe she will have the room & get to see & hear from family. She is such a doll. She is gorgeous too. Classy Lady!
My bad on Olympics Carolyn. I forget about that.
If April is Nellie Olsen that would make Keesha, Halfpint(Laura), who was always outsmarting Nellie in the end.
Let's lock Nellie in the outhouse!
Keesha, has her faults but is ten times prettier and more real than The balding Barbie.
I hope R/M/K/D/M have a lot of fun this week, would love to see them do some real serious pranking on A/O/J. Especially in the middle of the night! Would love to see April's pillowcase get filled with shaving cream.Water balloons anyone? freeze all of Aprils bras?
Van in Jersey
Carolyn...I know what ya mean about being too excited to type!! I was actually trembling through the whole HOH Comp. First nervous, then happiness! I am overjoyed that Renny won it!
I'm hoping she puts up April & Ollie. April is delusional if she thinks she can talk Renny into not putting her up. LOL
I was also thrilled that Dan got asked questions during the live show & he handled it very well.
This is gonna be a great week on the live feeds! YAY!!
OMG!!!!!! I am still dancing with joy!
You go Renny!!!!!!!!
Now, just put up Ollie and April and send April home and this will be the best BB week of my life!!!!
And sorry, but after watching April & Ollie's goodbye messeges all I could think was..."They know she gets a vote in the end right?!?!?!?"
Side note to MikeinBama: If you put up one more sexy pic I will have to get in my truck and head up that way!!!
I've given shout outs to Carolyn today, but I have to give one now to ReporterX, and Dawn and or Kim if they are on screencap duty!
Hiya, all you gorgeous robots, I mean women, you!
Actually, I think I have given shout outs earlier, but an extra one never hurts.
Thanks for all the bloggin' and the publishin' and the pic takin' and so on and so on and on and on.
piper - I thought the same about the anon comments.
julieb - I agree about Renny's and Keesha's goodbye speeches. They were very nice. Loved Renny's!
I'm not as good as Carolyn. Not even close... so I will limit myself to saying I agree with a lot of you! heh
Here's to a week of Renny's Reign! I LOVE it. :)
if ollie hadn't imprinted with april, it would have been a different game for him.
i love that renny won...but hope the stress doesn't wig her out.
Jeez. The Grand Opening of the new Lucas Oil Stadium started today and will run for the next for days, and it is ALL OVER THE LOCAL news. I can't watch. I so want to be there, but would rather be here, I feel like a boy torn between two worlds.
Gotta turn off the t.v. It's interfering with my *high* from Renny's win.:)
Carolyn lol - I think I am more exited than Renny! And I can't wait til the first time A and/or Ollie go up to HOH!
After a nice nap with the magic bag i'm back long enough to say goodnight to u all.
Backs and meds are screaming to lay down some more.
Have a great evening everyone and see u tomorrow :0)
And the plotting begins!! I love it!!!
Marci, dawlin - hehehehe
I was actually singing and doing a little jig while doing dishes tonight. What a perfect week this is gonna be!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha Ha - April just said the house seems a little more comfortable! Yeah, cuz everyone knows you are probably going home!
Damn! Bubbles, just when it was gettin good with Renny and Keesha!!
Gaytor is certainly going to have a lot to read tonight. I can just picture the Yes Dance happening as soon as the computer gets turned on :)
Hope you had a blast drooling at the concert tonight!
Memphis...really?!?! Keesha needs to change Renny's mind and fast!!
No Renny~! Don't put up Memphis!!!
Blue-- thanks for sharing the story behind the pic. Lucky girl to have a doting uncle! *sniffle* they grow up so fast.
Hey Lady C!
You want Nellie Olsen...you got Nellie Olsen! lol.
I'll admit, I am NOT an April fan by any stretch of the imagination, and while I can call her personality ugly, I just can't bring myself to call her physical attributes into question.
I would hate the fact that when she gets out of BB she may find out that people find her *ugly* in terms of her physical appearance.
I think that all people have reason to think of themselves as nice looking, and I would hate to think that one day somone may look at my nieces and find them physically repulsive. April has some very nice features to her, and could very easily increase her overall beauty by improving her personality, but, I do not find her *ugly*. Nor, would I want her to be hurt in her soul and fall into a deep depression. A wake-up call into how to perceive one's self, and how to reflect one's self onto others around you is sorely needed, but I do believe she has started life as a beautiful person, has made mistakes, has some issues she needs to resolve, and can evolve if she is willing to examine herself and make the effort.
I sincerely wish her the best, but can't stand her personality and hope she does not win this game. Actually, I am hoping she goes to jury this week.
Hi all..Renny is really reminding me of Natty from bb9....her eyes?? cheeks? not sure what it is!...anyone else see it?
ohh noooooo! please, renny. put up april and ollie!!
don't know how long i'm going to last, peoples. getting very sleepy.
I'm not really liking this conversation between Renny and Keesha. They are over thinking it. Even if you are looking ahead April is still a huge threat to win another HOH. Please Renny get her out.
Hello, everyone! I'm so excited about Renny, but I would love it even more if she puts up April and Jerry. I REALLY am bummed about Libra's departure, I wanted her to stay.
Mikeinbama, that picture is super lucious!
I also wanted to say GO USA! Michael Phelps has me yelling more at my telly than BB this week! He is incredible!
Renny should put Michelle and Jerry up. The POV holder can make a deal with Jerry and pull him off, and put April up.
Dan, Memphis and Keesha would vote April out. And maybe Jerry if the deal was made....
Ollie would pretty much be on his own.
In a perfect world.
Yayyyyyy!!!! Nellie Olsen!!!
I got a text telling me that Renny won HOH while I was at dinner and came home to find her considering putting MEMPHIS on the block? WTH?
Why would you take someone one that does have you in their crosshairs? Memphis would probably go to final 4 with Renny. But, then drop her because he'd never win in final 2 against her. She knows she'd win over Keesha.
Memphis hasn't really won anything yet, has he?
Maybe Renny is smart. She could win the final vote against Ollie or April. Not sure about Jerry. Actually, I think people would vote for her over Memphis too.
Her conversation with Keesha just now is seriously disturbing... maybe I gave her too much credit for being smarter than she is? Keesha needs to step it up and start strategizing a little bit smarter with Renny instead of playing the "it's your HOH" card.
what the heck happened with renny putting up april and ollie??????
what the heck happened with renny putting up april and ollie??????
I wish they would let you post videos again. I have the feeds and pay for them but no matter how I troubleshoot I still get feeds that cut in and out. It always seems to be at the most crucial times too. I wish I could hear what Renny is saying. Let your people know! Muah!
I know she is probably just going down the list of people but I really do not hope she wastes this week as a chance to get rid of either April or the Colonel. Memphis is not as dangerous right now as those 2 are. She has to get them out. They will have a chance next week & go after her or Dan or Keesha in a heartbeat.
I can't wait to see Ape-ril's face when she gets put on the block. I can already hear her blasting Renny as if it was never probable for her to go on the block.....ever...probably because she's too pretty!!! Get a clue, chicky....in this game pretty much everyone is on the block at least once.
night, carolyn, 'porter x and all.
lol Renny is so frazzled.
i don't understand renny's idea of putting memphis up, hes a threat but hes not one at the moment, and how do they know that april and ollie won't jump all over memphis and get him on their side, and i think dan would stick with who ever is stronger, and then there's michelle...
OMG - They are all playing up to Renny already, except for Memphis and Dan, for now - LOL. A/O are going to throw Jerry under the bus - I hope he does it in return, telling on A/O for the undercover activities and the Libra thing, it was their idea not his. I just can't wait for more drama!
Fun, fun, fun!!
Poor Renny, they are going to stress her out bad - need more meds.
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