The Overnight Report
Good Morning, Big Brother lovers. Happy Wednesday! One more day to go 'til the live show eviction, HoH Comp and another whole new game in the land of Big Brother 10! And... just 5 more weeks to go til the finale. Hard to believe...
Today on the live feeds, we'll be seeing all manner of last minute vote wrangling, as Ollie, April and Jerry try to bring Dan aboard the evict Keesha train, along with the ensuing drama that's sure to cause. We'll also have HoH pictures, blogging and the Craig Ferguson Show tonight...
Please enjoy this new chop from C=Venus, inspired by Ollie and his fear of birds... Click the pic to visit C=Venus' site where you can view more chops from this season, as well as seasons gone by.
And now.. the overnight report...
10:56pm - 11:16pm BBT
Backyard - Couch
Keesha, Dan, Memphis & Renny
Renny has just returned from a recon mission inside.
Renny: They're all in there scheming... Libra, Ollie, April & Jerry.
Keesha's nervous she'll be going home.
Memphis: You have 3 votes right here, and Michelle's your fourth. There's no way Michelle wont break the tie and vote for you to stay.
Keesha takes it in and appears to feel a little better about her chances.
Memphis: April is wound up so tight, she probably hasn't had sex in years. She will self-destruct if she gets put up... and I'll personally make sure she doesn't win the PoV.
Renny: I haven't trusted April or Libra since day one.
Memphis: Michelle should've put April up with Libra.
Keesha: She was afraid that if she did that, April would be the one to leave, instead of Libra... I understood that.
Dan: Libra has done well in HoH comps.
Memphis: It's the luck of the draw when it comes to those question comps.
Brief Fishies. We return to Renny making fun of April's OCD.
Renny: All the cereal boxes must be pointed in the same direction.
Memphis: (laughs) Jerry really thinks he could've put someone up.
Talk turns to next week and whether to try and backdoor April or just nominate her straight up. They figure out that it has to be April and Ollie on the block together, so neither can save the other...
Keesha: She used to go on and on about you winning that car... Now she doesn't mention it too often.
Memphis: (laughs) April, I'm putting you up, because those clothes are worth at least twenty grand...
Talk turns to how much money April's won, in addition to the clothing. Memphis considers tricking her into a deal for the money and then still putting her up, but says he wants to ask in the DR if they can do that, or if all bartering has to be honorable.
Keesha: Libra is not giving up. That's why she's still sitting there with April, Ollie and Jerry. I didn't believe her when she said she was giving up... You don't do that in this game.
11:18pm BBT
50s Room
Ollie, April, Jerry. Then Libra joins.
Ollie and April are talking relationship...
Ollie: We're just different. You're into "the scene." I'm laid back..
April insists she's much more of a homebody than he thinks. Talk turns to past relationships, and based upon Ollie's experience, he pegs April as a runner. Libra enters and asks what's going on. April tells Libra about her and Ollie's close friendship in the house and how they aren't trying to hide it from anyone.
11:21pm BBT
Memphis & Keesha talk game, possible twists and pranks.
Dan's in and out.
Renny's gone to take a shower.
Memphis: I don't think America'd vote someone like April back into the house... They vote for people that are entertaining... or liked.
They wonder about twists. They wonder if the evicted HGs have been released back into society, or if they're sequestered, just hoping to get back in the house.
Memphis gets back on the April track.
Memphis: We cannot let her win.
Michelle returns to the backyard. Dan goes to make himself a snack before midnight, when they all go back on slop. Keesha tells them about her latest prank on Dan.
Keesha: I took a LOT of Dan's underwear, soaked them in water and put em all in the freezer.
Memphis: (laughs) I can't believe you didn't put em in a bag.
Keesha: I didn't have time! He woulda' caught me!
11:31 - 11:54pm BBT
50s Room
April, Ollie, Jerry
Libra has just left the room.
Jerry: She really wants us to help her.
Jerry realizes that it all hinges on Dan, and he acknowledges that that might not be so easy for him to accomplish.
Michelle enters, jumping on top of April and Ollie. They goof around and make small talk for a few minutes, then Michelle goes on her merry way. A couple minutes later, Jerry tells them goodnight and heads to the 80s room.
Left alone, Ollie and April continue their previous conversation. Ollie appears to be having second thoughts about April and her choices outside the house.
Ollie: See? I don't know you.
April: Are you gonna look at me when I talk?
Ollie: I am looking at you.
April: If we keep going on and on about our pasts, we'll never make it. We need to just forget all that and move forward.
Ollie: I have to learn to trust you.
This conversation goes on, and it's not about trusting, it's about doubting.
11:56pm BBT
Renny, Dan, Michelle, Keesha & Memphis
Pleasant chatter while doing dishes and cleaning up.
12:04am BBT
Libra, Renny & Keesha
The women are whispering about Keesha's hide n freeze the underwear prank.
A few minutes later, Keesha and Libra go to the Storage Room, and she shows her where she his Dan's underwear.
Libra: When I leave, just have fun in here.
12:11-12:18am BBT
50s Room
April & Ollie, Michelle briefly.
Michelle comes in to tell them goodnight. Once she's gone, April and Ollie continue their relationship talks... It's true confessions time. April confesses she's slept with her share of professional athletes and asks if he wants names. Ollie does, but since none of them have signed releases, we get fishies briefly.
A couple minutes later, April confesses to Ollie that because of her DUI, when she drives, she has to have a breathalizer in her car. Ollie confesses he slept with a married woman.
12:22am BBT
Living Room
Michelle & Dan, then Renny
Michelle & Dan are chatting about America and our perceptions of the people in the house. Renny passes by and Michelle is concerned by the look on Renny's face...
Michelle: What's the matter?
Renny: Nothing... My butt's getting too big.
Michelle: Who said so?!
Renny: The mirror!
- ***Classic Renny! :)
12:22-12:27am BBT
50s Room
April & Ollie
April is laying almost all the cards on the table in terms of her past transgressions in life, and she's accusing Ollie of not really being as into this relationship as she is.
April: I think you're just randomly dating me.
Ollie: No. This is not random.
April: This is the worst thing to know about me...
April whispers too low to hear.
April: Have you ever slept with a stripper?
Ollie: No!
April: (laughs) Liar.
After another minute, Ollie confesses he has slept with a couple of strippers.
A few minutes later, Ollie steers the conversation back to April's DUI.
Ollie: What don't I know about the DUI?
April: When I get back home, there's something I have to take care of...
They return to confessions, and Ollie tells April his worst thing is that he slept with a married woman.
April: Wow. You are a saint.
Ollie presses April for more of her history, but she's done, because of how he's reacted to what little she's already told him. Ollie persists.
April: I don't have to tell you! Do you want me to take back everything I've done, Ollie? You've slept with way more people than I have.
Ollie: Let's not go there.
Ollie tries to soothe her with a kiss, and then he gets back on the track of digging up all the skeletons in her closet... He wants to know all the dirt. April has a degree of shame about something she's done, but she refuses to tell Ollie what it is, saying only that it was a very rough period in her life and she's glad she got out of it.
12:27am BBT
Living Room
Dan, Renny & Michelle
Chatter about talk soup, Paris Hilton and Craig Ferguson, among other things... Nothing game related.
12:32am BBT
50s Room
Ollie & April
True Confessions, Cont'd.
April: I was married for 2 months...but it was annulled.
April's confessions are a little much for Ollie's ego, and they get into an argument.
Ollie: How many guys have you been with?
April: You've probably had more girlfriends than I've had guys...
Ollie accuses her of having a "reputation." April denies it and attempts to school him.
April: When you date beautiful people, (you'll learn) beautiful people have pasts, Ollie.
Ollie: You're arrogant...
This continues on a bit until April makes another confession, telling Ollie that about 25% of the people in her cel phone are pro athletes...
12:50am BBT
- Keesha and Renny both head to bed.
- Memphis, Dan & Michelle remain outside chatting about possible twists this season and those from seasons past.
- Ollie and April are still arguing in the 50s room treading relationship water above shark infested territory.
12:55 - 1:15am BBT
Michelle & Dan
Memphis has gone inside.
Dan: How much do you trust Memphis?
Michelle: I don't know... How much do you trust him?
Dan: I don't know. I'm not sure what he'd do.
Michelle: I think he still wants to go after Jerry... but Ollie and April, too.
Dan: I just don't know how much I trust him... I guess you can't really trust anyone in here.
Talk turns to the PoV Ceremony and Jerry's behavior. They're both still baffled by it.
Memphis comes out to tell them both goodnight.
Talk continues between Dan and Michelle...
Michelle: Has Libra asked you for your vote yet?
Dan: Not yet.
Dan's sure it's coming. Michelle is too, and she warns him to not be tricked by Libra's reverse psychology act.
Michelle: I just can't see you, Memphis or Renny keeping Libra over Keesha.
Dan: No.
Talk turns back to the PoV Ceremony, and Michelle bets Julie will ask Dan something about it on the live show. They chat a bit more, then Dan asks Michelle if she'll wake him up in the morning... but not too early.
They head inside.
1:20am BBT
April and Ollie have moved their argument into the Spa Room, while everyone else is either sleeping or getting ready for bed. 15 minutes later, after they've argued enough for the evening, April heads to bed, Ollie goes wandering around a bit, stops by her bed to kiss her goodnight, and retires to the 80s room with Dan and Jerry.
This concludes the Overnight Report! Time for the mad dash to the Cuban coffee place. I'll be back by 8:30am BBT to publish your comments. :)

Morning Carolyn! You Blogbot you! :)
Hail to the rest of the Dishy Crew!
ReporterX who transcribes like the wind.
Dawn and Kim whose caps help us from missing the videos!
Big shout out to TRD! Love your montages!
Kudos to C=Venus for her amazing chops! I think Dogg Pound is one of my faves! haha!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
What I'm hoping to see today is A/O/J get busted for trying to pull a Keesha. I think it's time Michelle get a wake-up call about them. I thought she was onto them, and maybe she is just trying to play both sides, but I don;t know...
Have you all noticed that its always the Fresh Air Crew that is more fun? Who makes up that crew might change, but it's always more enjoyable to watch them than Vitriol and her Soup Pusses. (Guess who they are! haha)
Good Morning, Genie :)
whoops... I meant to say Sour Pusses, not Soup Pusses! Schfaltz... I'm making us a pot of coffee Carolyn! lol
Oh and I can't wait for Chelsia's blog this week!
Once again I agree with you Genie Sea. I hope Michelle finds out and sees what a lying B---H April is. All that disrespect about her being HOH and they didn't vote the way she wanted. Now she is trying to do the same with Michelle.
Good Morning Carolyn!
Oh please let those idiots get called out for trying to turn on Keesha...I am pretty sure Dan will go to his alliance ...there is sure to be some turmoil today...please hg wait until i get home to watch! In the mean time I will be glued here Carolyn!
Happy Hump Day! You know if BB10 really wanted, OUT OF THIS WORLD drama on the live feeds, that could be "edited" for TV viewers, NOW would be the time to let Craig Ferguson BUST April and Ollie about the "Live Porn". It would twist that house up so great!!! And Really take the focus off of Dan...... Because once April or Ollie go to the jury house next week (fantansy here)the "Live Porn" would be over ANYWAYS!!!.....
Good morning Carolyn and Genie <3 and all the rest who stagger on in :)
I completly crashed last night so thanks for the ONR. I so hope they get busted today as well! I put a Nellie series up on DishCaps and I'd love to add some more of her pouting and manipulating it wasn't her idea, I bet Jerry gets the heat for this one!
Carolyn, ReporterX, Dawn, and Kim thank you so much for all that you do for us BB addicts.
Also, thank you for the opportunity to allow us to gather and be able to share the brilliance of Beorn, Jane, Genie, Brother, Ilisa and so many more. The wonderful sense of humor of Gaytor (and his GaYToRish ways). The talent of Noni. The sweetness and compassion of Bree. And, the companionship of many many more.
Rhonda, my prayers are with you for a successful surgery Monday, and a fast recovery.
Good Morning Carolyn & Genie! Wow, this week seems to be going fast...but that could be because I really don't want it to for other reasons ;) Good for tomorrow, bad for other, oh well!
Looking forward to seeing who goes and who becomes the new HOH...the anticipation is great. Gives me other things to think about. I am hoping it is Renny or Dan.
Carolyn, hope your day goes better and you rest up for tomorrow.
BTW..Gaytor, I am jealous about the concert this weekend!! Kenny, one of my favorites! He puts on one of the best concerts ever! Throw some kisses for me ;)
Genie, I was thinking the same thing. I really hope April gets busted. I hope Libra goes to Dan and Dan goes straight to Michelle. Then, they'll really see what a hypocrite April is being.
It'll be grand. I hope it happens after 5pm central time so I can watch it live. hee hee
Good Morning Carolyn Darlin. I feel normal again. I didn't have to get up at 6 because of banging on my roof. And most of all I woke up to find the beginning of the overnight report and my beloved Carolyn blogging away. All is right with the world. (Except the blog url). The DishChicks are great ladies not machines.
In about 35 hours we will have a new HOH. I want Renny to win so bad. She needs that family contact. She deserves that family contact.
Hey Gator, can you make a few voodoo dolls to jinks April, Ollie, and Jerry for the HOH comp? lol.
Hey Genie, I agree about the fresh air crew. It a matter of whether you want to enjoy life and your time in the BB house, or if you want to sit and stew about how you were wronged and let your face be drawn into a permanent pucker.
Good morning, Carolyn
Good morning, ReporterX
Good morning, BB addicts.
Hope it was a restful night for all.
I am anxious for J/O/A to get caught in their little plan.
The talk about their past A/O is weird stuff to be talking about while others watch. These two truly think they are totally alone & private. Obviously they think that since they have no reservations about having s*x for the world to watch too. Or maybe they both enjoy it, who knows! Strange to me for sure!
Funny thing about Dan's underwear. That's a lot of the reason I don't want Keesha to go. She knows how to be silly & have fun.
Good morning.
Strange happenings in that house last night.
I'm not going to be judgmental about April or Ollie's pasts, and I suppose it's good that they're being upfront with one another, but it seems that they forget that in telling each other, they're also telling America.
This discussion between Ollie and April could end up screwing up April's game. I think Ollie will not be nearly as protective of her now.
And there's no way things will continue outside of the house for those two. April's got too much going on, more than Ollie can probably handle.
Thanks Carolyn for the great job...I look forward to this every morning...
As for Beautiful People...has April looked in the mirror. Out of all of the women in the house she is the least attractive...
I hope everyone finds out about A/O/J wanting to keep Libra...what a mistake. I don't think it will happen because they would need to have Dan vote with them and that will not happen...
Jan in Orlando
Wow, is Ollie just now realizing that April is 'all about April?' Might I only hope that he is starting to pull his head out of her a**....oops, mean the sand!
Sorry, she once again brought up the whole DUI thing, which I have a problem with. Think people take it way to lightly! My Dad was fire chief for years and worked many, many accidents caused by drunks. They are so unneccesary and it is usually the innocent that are hurt. Okay, off my soapbox!
Phew! Just when I thought it would be impossible for me to like April even less...
Good Morning all!! Sounds like A/O may be headed for trouble. It's good to see that O is finally seeing the real A!! Now when A goes on the block next week O won't bother to campainge for her!!
Wow! Hopefully Ollie sees the truth now...and he called Libra those names... My oh things may change in the BB House. Heheheee.
Hope everyone here has a great day today!
I think is under the radar at this point everyone left in the house has other people in mind to leave and that just might leave Michelle and Renny to the end. I want A/J/O to get Dan or Michelle to vote to keep Libra and have all of Keesha's lies finally come out. It was great game play last week when they got Jesse out (I didn't like him) but ultimately it was Keesha who got the votes and Libra is just paying for it. I want it to flip again this week otherwise we will be seeing A/J/O leave in the next three weeks. Game ON!
Good Morning everyone...
Well sounds like Ollie and April are on their way to a singles game...wonder if Ollie can even play without April.
Hope Michelle finds out about the little plot hatching...I dont think she wants Keesha to go anywhere. Memephis has a good plan to Ollie an d April up. Split the Showmance and then we'll see where Jerry and Ollie stand.
On the outside looking...where they should be.
Heres to another day of lying cheating and stealing in BB10 house..hope keesha manages to stay tommrow. I suspect she will.
Good morning all!
Happy hump day, but with "True Confessions" going on last night I doubt there will be any humping anytime soon.
Good morning all :0)
I loved reading that Ollie called April arrogant last night....maybe he is finally seeing her without the rose colored glasses?
Carolyn, well obviously it (A & 0) was all last night so never mind my last comment submitted, you covered it!
Hello ... I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone! I live in Texas but am currently vacationing in Canada and would NOT be able to keep up with my BB10 if not for you guys! I've never posted before, but have been a fan of this site for 2 years.
Anyway, I just had to say thanks for all that you do and keeping me up to date on all that is going on in the house.
Lastly, I love Renny (probably because I'm married to a cajun and because I love her accent!) ... besides the fact that she's just plain "real".
Have a great day everyone ... and thanks again, Carolyn, for all that you do!
I can't wait for A/O/J/L to try for Dan's vote (how silly of them to think he'd have anything to do with it since those 3 were the nastiest to him). You know he's going to memphis and michelle straightaway with that info!
If only Dan wasn't Dan. I'd love to see them think he's voting their way, only to vote out libra and "out" them to Michelle! Doubt he'd do it though. He doesn't want or like to break his word and wouldn't have if not for AP.
Good morning Carolyn! I'm so glad to see you guys back up and running. Now if Michelle could just get April, Ollie, and Jerry running I'd have a great day...;)
I must say that I was a bit worried when I saw that they had wine last night.
Interesting that Jerry would go against HOH after giving Dan such a hard time about doing it last week.
I'm hoping that April and Ollie's true confessions causes some tension between them.
My goodness isnt little april just too precious for words ollie has never been with a beautiful person like her.she will have too teach him to kiss her feet and bow. well good for her he is the idiot.and he is also a a phony in this sad mess playing the aw shucks im just a country boy. they belong together .sad too that April thinks she is all that and a bag of chips
Good Morning!!! :)
Good morning Jane, oh sage of BBDish!
Good Morning Mike in Bama - you big beefcake!
Good Morning GayTor! Thank you for making me laugh each and every time I read your words.
Good Morning N2RealityTV! - love the new stuff on your site!!
Good Morning, JulieB! :)
Good Morning, Rhonda!!
Good Morning, Piper! :)
Good Morning, Dawn !!
Good Morning, Brandi! :)
Good Morning, DebInNY !!
Good Morning,KellyR2! :)
Good Morning, Alice !!
Good Morning, MsFitz! :)
Good Morning, Lonnetta !!
Good Morning, Brother Mouzone! :)
Good Morning, Han/HaysMom !!
Good Morning, SleepyCat! :)
Good Morning, BabyBee!!
Good Morning, Stephen_N! :)
Good Morning, WendyLady33!!
Good Morning, Katchias! :)
Good Morning, Roseya!!
Good Morning, RandallM! :)
Good Morning, JanInOrlando!!
Good Morning, Andrea! :)
Good Morning! I am so glad to see that Dan won't be fooled! Although I wish they would let Libra, Ollie, April, & Jerry think that way so that Michelle can break the vote ;)
Hi All,
Just stopping by real quick and getting my BB fix. Thanks so much dishchicks for all y'all do.
Soooo Jerry has decided that he needs Dan's help, huh? The same Dan he just told would be called Judas in his (Jerry's) house?
Well I hope Dan tells Jerry to butt a stump! And to (as Jerry put it) go and get all those cows by himself. (I think that's what Jerry said on TV Tues.)
Good Morning, Kitty :)
Good morning, TexasGirl! :)
Didn't Ollie say at the beginning that he didn't have a lot of experience in the bedroom and now he's talking about all these women he's slept with? Do you think he's just saying that to one up on April?
Morning Carolyn ty so much for the catch up stephen read it to me this morning. Im cracking up.
ty for keeping us all cought up
heres praying dan dosent switch and vote kessha out.
m/mem/k/renny and dan all want Libby out and then A/O up
i hope dan or mem gets hoh or kessha and renny
Good Morning Carolyn!
I hope April & Ollie get called out on the Craig F. Show. I would love to see April's face ... She is soooooooo above everyone in her "holier than thou" daily spew.
And for her to call herself "beautiful" makes my skin crawl. She thinks Ollie is lucky to have caught such a "beautiful person" as herself. Ugh!!! More coffee please!
Good morning everyone!
Does any one know what 'blockbuster' movie April was in and what 'sport magazine' did a seven page spread on her also? Was I the last one to hear that when she told Ollie and Jerry last night? I didn't know she was a well known sports professional.
And also, jokers has an exit interview with Jessie if any one is feeling too good and wants to puke. Sorry Carolyn, I strayed when I realized it wasn't my computer or ISP having a problem during the blog debacle. But at least I realized that I am at the best BB site there is with Team Dish! Also, TV Guide has more of the same crap in their exit interview!
And I never heard an answer to the alternative to Paypal?!? I read the discussion some time ago and again yesterday, but must have missed an answer. Like you have so much time on your hands!
does anyone think april might be in trouble for harming (hope not worse)someone while dui? i wonder what she might "have to take care of" once she leaves the house... that would be cause for not wanting to tell ollie... no one has a breathalizer in their car unless it's at least their 3rd dui... yet i haven't seen her drink so much in the house (or does she, as much as BB allows & she can just hold her own?)
Um, wow, Ollie and April are something else. It is hilarious that Ollie is just realizing the type of girl he hooked up with. Not that he is such a great catch, apparently.
I also think Jerry is delusional. That man has seriously lost it.
BTW, good morning/afternoon everyone =)
You know, April not only acts like Nellie Olsen, but she resembles her too, lol.
Forgot to add - Can you imagine the wrath of Michelle if they blind sided her? OMG! I can't see Dan letting that happen. And after all Jerry said to Dan he wants his vote? Oh really?
April is so jealous Keesha, she can't see straight!
By the way Noni - great poem! You are so good at that.
Now we have a good game! Love it. Love it. Love it.
Carolyn - You're so cute! haha Hope you didn't miss anyone! I love it here. This is a community, and as we near the end, I get sad. :)
I have to say this. I actually could care less about April and Ollie's relationship. I think it's about as real as the tooth fairy.
April looks ugly because of the permanent spite on her face, that's why I call her Vitriol. Jane called it, and I agree. The girl needs therapy, not a boyfriend.
Ollie has screwed up his game big time. In fact, he has not game. He might make it to final 3 because no one even considers him and will drag him along. I doubt it though.
I don't know about Jerry. He cries one moment at the table because he feels so alone in the house, then proceeds to bash the one person in the house who truly liked him (Dan).
How awesome is Dan? He gets verbally abused in a vicious way but still remains respectful. This isn't just a man who is mindful of his job, this is a man who is worthy of much respect.
Thank you Carolyn!
I'm having a blast chopping away. The HG's are a wealth of inspiration don't ya know.
I haven't said till now, but I think my pick for the win this season would have to be Renny. Even if she just makes it to the final 2, I'll be happy because I know she's got a fair shot at winning it all. My 2nd pick is of course Dan ... he's just too cute!
Accolades to all the ladies of DishChicks
***Tip Jar Calling***
I thought Ollie was a non-player but now I see he's just a bad player. Actually I guess the same can be said about April and Jerry (but at least they win some things). How can they try and get Dan to vote with them based on their own thoughts of:
A. He's AP, therefore can't control his vote and why would they take that chance of outing themselves if "America" decided for him to vote out Libra.
B. They don't trust him because he's "Judas" and betrayed them last week. Why would they decide to trust him this week.
I think its a strategic move to get rid of Keesha before Libra but come on, they're not playing very smart. There only chance IS Dan but based on A and B above (lol) it's unlikely to work and they are making a stupid move. They will be losing Michelle and therefore making the house 5-3 against them.
Just thought I'd share. :)
Let's add this up-Sleeping wirh someone who is married. Having relations with multiple partners. (At least a lot of them were professionals) Planning a mutiny which involves the same type of lie that Dan told last week. Disrespecting Michelle, the one person who got screwed worse than April last week.
VS. Dan's "lie"
Yes, I guess Dan is a disgrace to April's religion. Funny how she seems to "own" catholicism the way Jerry "owns" all the power in the house.
There is another passage I recall from the bible. I probably won't quote it perfectly so please don't shoot me.
"When you give with your left hand, let your right hand not know what your left is doing."
What that means April, is if you really have such a big heart, you do good things for others because it makes you feel good inside. You don't do things so you can keep bashing people over the head with how "good" you are. Knowing what you've done should be enough. You aren't supposed to keep looking for that pat on the back.
Good morning, Amanda!
Good morning, Shadow!
Good Morning, Marci - I still don't know...
Good Morning, dabugd!
Good Morning, Tiffany-Jade :) & Stephen!
Good Morning, Bailey!
I'm not sure how because I have never done it, but apparently you can send funds via email as well. Someone here did mention it...
I think after you sleep with someone on national TV, it is a little too late to be worried if that person has a reputation because now you both do (referring to Ollie's comment about April). Anyway, good morning everyone.
After last nights confessions I wonder if Ollie is now, just slightly regreting the decision to not use a condem???? Think maybe that phrase "your sleeping with your partner, and all of their partners, and all of their partners. . .etc" was playing through his head?
I love you Carolyn and all the rest of the gang!!! I read you guys all the time, but this is my first post this season. I don't want to get into trouble at work. :) Sometimes I just can't resist! :)
Howdy Carolyn, RepX and my fellow bb buddies!
Wow, y'all really left me hangin' last night! They gave them alocohol ... then nothing 'til this morning!!!
Sounds like April & Ollie are no longer whispering sweet nothings to each other. Don't they realize the world is listening? Didn't they say Ollie only "recently" lost his virginity? What did he think he was jumping into bed with? It's beginning to sound like April might have been a ... um ... scallywag? ROFL
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the feeds! You guys are the best!
GO RENNY! GO DAN! ... Jerry? Just go ... lol
Very well said Piper! And Rhonda, you have my prayers too!
Good morning, Charlie :)
Good morning Carolyn.
After reading the ONR I'm just sad about April. There are lots of girls that think their only asset is their looks. These girls end up getting passed around (25% athletes in her cell?) until they end up like April, going from pretty and optimistic, to not so pretty and desperate.
I don't like April and am rooting for her to go, but unlike many, I really hate Ollie. He was just thrilled to rush into a sexual relationship with April, but not so much now that he's really getting to know her. And what's up with the pushing to get more confession from April? Is he hoping to use what she says as an excuse to break it off while he still has game play time left?
And I love thinking of Jerry squirming at the thought of having to ask "Judas" for his vote!!! hahaha
Good morning Carolyn, ReporterX and all BB fans... Even though it's afternoon where I am :)
After Ollie/April's spats last night I kind of hope they go their separate ways and play the game themselves. I think Ollie would be a good competitor if April didn't get in the way all the time. It'd be interesting to see how he'd progress without her.
Also, J/A/O are a bit silly for thinking Dan's going to change his vote after the trouble his AP vote caused last week. He'd be a fool to mess up his current alliance with K/Mi/Me/R.
I still have a nagging doubt about Memphis. He will keep things very close to his vest until the last minute to keep from getting in the fray.
He did mention somewhere in a conv yesterday (I think it was with Dan) about what a threat Keesha will be down the line.
He knows A/J will not get the votes in the end against him and probably not Ollie either. I think he realizes Keesha is his biggest worry in F2.
Please tell me he's not just sitting and waiting until the last minute to jump ship if he sees the chance to get the threats out.
Good morning CaroBot. :p I hope you didn't stay up too late last night and got plenty of rest instead. But agreed, they were too funny last night. It was difficult to turn down the volume and get out of the chair.
RHONDA - Who said I was going to the concert (although I am)? I said I had a date with Kenny. He has such a busy schedule we only MANage to get it on once a year. >:)
ddugo, indeed I am staggering in. Good morning to you! And to all the DishBots.
To whomever suggested I make voodoo dolls for A/O/J (sorry I can't find it now to name you personally)... Already on it and you have no idea how many pins I am sticking in the April doll, and the places I am sticking them. ;p
Carolyn, how sweet! Jane and I can't say you didn't give us love today, and before I even started commenting. sloppy GaYToR kisses ... all over your face... SLURP!
Thank god for this site! I think everyone would agree, I don't know what we would do without you Carolyn!
Good Morning Fellow Voyeurs!!
Just to aid to the "As The Stomach Turns" drama conversation between April and Ollie last night, when April felt she needed to suck up to Ollie, she said when she asked him to move in with her last week and he said he wanted to get his own place, he "hurt her feelings" and he needed to understand that was a big deal for her to ask him. He responded by telling her he was "honored". I had to switch cameras as I became sick to my stomach over her manipulations. April has got to be one of the neediest person I have seen in a long time!!!
I think she would latch on to ANYONE and probably has!!!
LOL @ AnotherDan
"Jerry, just go..."
Dish Chick's thanks for your hard work and ongoing adoration of BB! I have been a fan since season 1, and have auditioned (yes I am crazy!) and a few times gotten through some cuts to one on one interviews. Now as the seasons progress not sure I would put myself through! Thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks to all the fans, I love reading your comments, and many echo my thoughts!
What boggles my mind, is do the contestants really forget that people are watching 24-7?? I just can't believe that people will let their filter drop and say and do some of the things they do.. just amazes me!
Hey All,
Thanks for putting me first even though I wasn't here yet :-)
Piper - you're a sweetheart.
Whew, that April is a troubled one. I'm still betting on sexual abuse. I'm not trying to be salacious, it's just what I believe I see behind her behavior. Beorn said is so well yesterday, I'm not going to rehash.
Every year I wonder if there will be a suicide after the show. The producers spend a lot of time worrying about that during production, but when it's over, there is no shrink on set. This year April is my pick for most vulnerable. She's all ego, what happens when that gets smashed?
Don't think I am being sympathetic toward her behavior. I find her vile. I just can't help also finding the "why" interesting. It seems many of the past vulnerables actually learned something from how people percieved them. April is so closed, hermetically sealed. You can't learn in that state, all you can do is lash out/or in.
Anyhow, I find it sad.
OK, move on. I want to respond to some of the things Beorn said yesterday. He brought up so many interesting points, I'd like to add my 2cents. Maybe later.
Happy hump day.
I really don't think A&O believe they are being shown on camera 24/7. Their remark when the sheet fell away was "we gave the producers quite a show".
Also, when Keesha found the condom and was giving Ollie a hard time about it, thought I heard him say it's not mine, don't use them and don't intend to ever use them.
If this is true, how sad for them both when they leave the house.
Would that not be pathetic if April & Oli broke up while in the house! Yikes how embarrassing, let along with their display so far this season!
jane -- Agree completely. Strange, but I was thinking the same thing earlier this morning about April.
I truly worry for her safety (from herself) when she leaves the house. It appears she comforts herself with sex and controls with food. She seems to me as one of those who could easily get into self abuse as a way of coping and that could be deadly after reality of life after the house hits her.
I hope I am worrying for nothing.
Oh please God, I hope Ollie has been using a condom, and just lied because he didn't want anyone to know he and April have been getting it on!
I laughed soo hard over Memphis' comment about April needing to have sex... How could the house guests be sooo oblivious.
Memo to Ollie... loose the girl, because you will certainly loose the game!
Memo to April...get help!
Hello, everyone! I am so mad about April's comments. Hello, April, not all beautiful people have "pasts"!! Has she not ever heard of Mother Theresa?????
April's vanity is GROSS.
Just for clarity, I think Keesha found a dental dam yesterday not a condom. And it appears Ollie does not use a condom. I will give them this though, they were all tested for sexually transmitted diseases before going on the show and by law they have to be told if they have one. Let's assume April is on birth control ... hopefully she is. I actually believe she is, I don't know about her, but I don't think Ollie is that stupid. Apparently April isn't exactly his first and he's not a baby daddy yet.
because April said she was so famous and has been in blockbuster movies I tried to look up her name and found only BB10 in her credits??? Anyone know something I don't?
Someone PLEASE tell me why it was soo bad for Keesha to want Jessie out, and to hear them complaining all week and now that sneaky two faced April is trying to do the same thing, unbelievable. Get April out of there!!
Someone PLEASE tell me why it was soo bad for Keesha to want Jessie out, and to hear them complaining all week and now that sneaky two faced April is trying to do the same thing, unbelievable. Get April out of there!!
Someone PLEASE tell me why it was soo bad for Keesha to want Jessie out, and to hear them complaining all week and now that sneaky two faced April is trying to do the same thing, unbelievable. Get April out of there!!
Someone PLEASE tell me why it was soo bad for Keesha to want Jessie out, and to hear them complaining all week and now that sneaky two faced April is trying to do the same thing, unbelievable. Get April out of there!!
What's Up Every One!! How ya doin I have never actually read the blogs that you all write but it is pretty kool! I am a total BB Fan!! So now i have a place to talk about the show.
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