BB10 Nomination Spoiler
Scroll Down for the Spoiler!

Renny comes outside, asking for Michelle to help her with a zipper. Michelle gives her a hand.
BB: Renny, please come to the Diary Room.
Renny goes in.
Ollie: I thought she was already in there.
Keesha: They called her.
BB: Houseguests. This is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.
5:07pm BBT - Fishies...
5:09pm BBT - OK.. HoH to D.R., Lockdown called, Fishies...
5:11pm BBT - Trivia...
Jerry & April
have been nominated.

6:36pm BBT
Renny and Jerry are talking up in HoH. Ollie & April are whispering in the 50s room. April's in tears. Ollie's promising her he'll get her off... the block. And if he can't, he'll get her the votes to stay.
Renny: I put you up, because you put me up. I want you to rest your mind though. I don't want you to go home.
Jerry: You've been a wonder...

Keesha goes up to HoH to check on Renny and see how she's doing now that the hard part is over.
Keesha lets her know that they're already building outside. She heard it, and she wonders if the PoV could be tonight...
Renny tells Keesha she didn't want everyone feeling safe and being complacent. She wants those boys to fight for the PoV.
6:50pm BBT
50s Room
Ollie & April are arguing again.
7:05pm BBT
HoH Room
Renny, Keesha, Memphis, Dan & Michelle
Michelle has joined the chorus of HGs who think the PoV will be happening tonight instead of tomorrow... they all hear the build happening.
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I am holding my breath.
April and Ollie. PLEASE...
Come on Renny, don't make a big mistake!!
maybe if we all chant "April/Ollie" right now, we can send her subliminal messages? It's worth a try
Even though I am very nervous, I have to believe that Renny is the smart lady we all have been watching these last weeks.
Maybe when she told Ollie she "would hold him to that" in regards to not putting her up as the trade for him, she meant that he is obviously not the target. Remember she has already asked him where his head was in the game, and he says "not for love". Maybe this is the favor she is giving him. A chance to play the game for real, on his own.
Please oh please let me be right!
Holding on to faith, go Rennie!
I'm going to repost my previous one. How about (for VC) to have April as The Wicked Stepmom looking into the "mirror, mirror, on the wall..." and the mirror replying "Keesha," who could be Snow White! I think that's perfect!
Welcome back Carolyn! I hope everything is okay in your neck of the world!
Thanks for keeping the feeds covered RepX! You're a sweetheart!
Alienating your supporters at this stage of the game, or any stage in fact, is THE dumbest move of the game. Whether Renny puts up Ollie with April or not, I think her game is toast. If she isn't on the block next week, she will be lucky.
I....... Knoowwww................
Whatever else Renny manages to do this HOH she also weakened the trust of ever single person on her side, even Keesha. All in the name of not making Ollie an enemy. I mean I get what she was attempting, but bad execution! If she has one hope in this not backfiring too much it's that people will see she's likable but not that crafty, so a good game player might be willing to take her to the end even though she's likeable.
Carolyn - All stocked up? Looks like I should too!
FYI - You probably know this cuz of your connection, but in case not: just downloaded Firefox 1Clickweather. Put in zip and get alerts! Just in time. (Hopefully not)
I also have to believe as much as Rennie HATES April and has told the house April is the target, she will not give her two chances as POV.
Rennie will do the right thing
lol ahhh just get it over with!
oh no the nominations are now?...yikes...and the last person in her ear was ollie i think :S
Since I can't control what they do in the game-believe me I've tried, I take comfort in things that will happen once the game is over.
Generally, they all have a reality check coming. Overall, I think most of America will treat even the most hated with common decency and in a very short time won't care about them anymore.
I think most of them enjoy the fifteen minutes and really don't care what we think of them. They will still have friends.
I take a perverted pleasure in thinking about them watching the tapes and seeing the lies they told and the things they were so completely wrong about played out in front of them.
Things I would like to be a fly on the wall for-too many to mention. Two that come to mind-Michelle reliving the banner and seeing Libra's husband watching her on tv rooting for her to take the trip.
April seeing hoe Renny's HOH really played out, that Keesha did NOT run it. And finding out that Renny thought she was a phony and could not stand her from the very beginning, even when Keesha still thought April and her were friends.
Oh that BB! They're torturing us when they're supposed to torture the HG's!
I really hate waiting. Plus I'm cranky and in need of some sleep ... so these folks need to pick it up and get a move on.
I've said it before, I'll say it again:
Let the nomination ceremony commence!
I hope Renny does the right thing, which imo would be putting April, Ollie or Jerry up.
I was suprised when I heard Renny tell Michelle she would take her to the final 2. Wouldn't she want to take Keesha, Renny has me kinda worried.
I'm in total agreement with what everyone has said. I think Renny's having somewhat of a power trip.
Marci & Genie :)
Thanks. I'm all stocked up on water and dry stuff - nuts for days...
Gotta rent a higher vehicle though... I have a PT - too low for flooding.
Playing it by ear now. Hopefully the mountains over PR & the DR tear it up and weaken it to a point where it can't regroup over the warm gulfstream waters...
Try to check out the C=Venus "Seventy deadly sins"- the ones that are done so far are really good!!!! I always love all the chops but these are great!! :)
Hi Christy - Go buy water! ;p
Ok ... this is boring!
While we're waiting, come check out my new chops. I'm no C=Venus, but I'm having fun!
I'm also listed on the right side bar under cool bb sites.
Renny, I love ya...but nominate April and Ollie!! This is SO obvious!
At last ... finally the beginning has begun. Yeehaw!
i think this is it!!
do tou think its the DR thats putting idea's in her head?....i dunno, maybe i'm being paranoid
where do you live again carolyn?
Your idea was FIERCE!!
Made me actually chuckle...
Alittle late but....
WTF? She wanted to nominate Dan as the pawn and Jerry? Dan would SURELY go home: April/Ollie/Michelle vote HIM out.
Renny just made all her ALLIES question her by saying she wanted to nominate a pawn. She literally created doubt and confusion and now whatever move she makes she is screwed because she lost the one factor she had in this game: trust and predictability.
I still say if she doesn't want to evict April or Ollie so there are still threats in the game besides Keesha and Renny, she should try to evict Michelle or Jerry, nominating them both.
If she takes out April or Ollie she needs to create a bigger threat besides her and Keesha... so if April left she needs to make sure everyone targets Memphis/Dan/Michelle.
She had so many options this week, and all of them good options... but by her telling everyone I want you as the pawn, she just ruined her gameplay. They will no longer trust Renny completely, and always doubt and not know what she is doing. When you can't predict what someone will do, you become a bigger threat. Now, when Renny sits next to Keesha in the nominations eat, Renny has a 50 percent higher chance of being evicted all because she caused her allies to doubt her.
if Renny doesn't put April and Ollie up it will be the dumbest move this year. I am hoping that she is just playing with them all.
Here we go, for real this time.
New Waiting Game.
Who do you think can use their "game fame" best when they leave the house?
I think Keesha has the best chance of getting work from being in the house. She has a minor part in a movie already, being a Hooters Girl is often a stepping stone to higher things. This is one more step and she is pretty and likable and could do what Jen does, the spokes model gig.
If you were a house guest and playing this game, how would you react to Renny once you knew that she did not put up Ollie because she liked him?
You couldn't help but feel as though she were expendable. She clearly did not have "your" best interest in mind...
I am so upset over this. I was so pumped when Renny won HOH because I just knew Ollie and April were done. Renny doesn't really care who goes, as long as she doesn't have to suffer any repercussions.
Key Biscayne... It's a little island off Miami.
It's 1am here, I have to be up for work at 6am, but I -cannot- sleep because I need to know who was nominated so bad...
Omg. Come on Renny, don't make a big mistake...
Good luck with the storms and stuff Carolyn! Hope things don't get too bad. :)
grendon - I think people will common decency in public, I don't see anyone throwing eggs or anything. But there is no decency of any kind on the interweb. They best they can hope for is that they will soon be forgotten (which they will be). But all the meanness is forever stored in the tubes. That doesn't make me feel any more bad about being mean, hey, this is what they signed up for. I sure as hell wouldn't do it. No amount of money is worth having the world judge me this way.
Grendon - You in the UK?
ahh okay, i was thinking ft lauderdale for some reason :P
I don't think Keesha is losing faith in Renny. Keesha said HERSELF to Renny that she needs to get the people to sit there and give her deals so that she can keep them safe, even tho she was going to all along (Dan and Memphis). She's going by what Keesha said, Keesha is just capitalizing on the "What's wrong w/ Renny train", and can't say I blame her.
We will definitely have April on the block, with either Ollie (I HOPE!) or Jerry next to her. I have a feeling Renny can, and will, realize that she must put Ollie up. Hell, Keesha did explain to her why it was a better idea.
Everyone is jumping off the Renny train and I think we all need to hold off on that for a second. Let an entire day play out first, lol. Let's get after the PoV and see how Renny deals with that. Maybe it's because I haven't watched the feeds all day, but I do believe we need to give Renny a few hours to mess with some people's minds before we go saying how she was a crappy player/floater all along or whatever.
Ryan says "CHILLAX!!"
~ Ryan ~
P.S. Now if Memphis, Dan or Keesha are up on the block, feel free to go bat-s#!t crazy on her, lol!
If anyone can pull this off, it's Renny!
or maybe Dan ...
ryan - lol
N2 - you are sick and I love it! Good job!
uch.. i hate it when the whole entire state is in the cone of doom.
I am runnng to the store now... funny thing is that I dont have cable since I just moved (and watch feeds 24/7) that I didnt even know that area had developed to a T.S. -- so yet another thing I can thank ya about.. although I am in Orlando instead of on the coast so not overly worried at the moment!!! Are you closer to the southern area??
I was quick to misjudge Renny the first night with her grating laugh when she thought the door was locked. But I quickly learned differently.
Just have to believe she'll do the right thing - I so want her in the final two. Maybe what appears to be an "oops" to us, will turn out to be great for her and carry her through.
That said, I'm really hoping she'll put up A&O and not those other scenarios she was considering today. It would be cool to see how Ollie plays without April (unless he turns into something unexpected, of course.)
Christy - yeah.. i'm 6 miles into the Atlantic, on an island, just off miami. barrier island, mandatory evac, blah blah blah.
Come on Cuban & Dominican Mountains! DO your thing!
Hi everyone. Hi Carolyn!! Thanks so much for the updates!! It seems that since Renny won HOH she's been spending a lot of time with Michelle and not so much with Keesha.
Me too Carolyn!
Carolyn, now I know u love Florida n everything, but I'd rather not see a "Donate to Carolyn's New House Fund" anytime soon. Ever thought of moving or will sunny Florida always be ure home?
~ Ryan ~
P.S. "cone of doom" - LOL!
n2realitytv...those were good. I love the lollipop song. LOL
Marci - Cool :)
Carolyn, ure the only person I have seen put "mandatory evac" and "blah blah blah" in the same sentence, lol!
~ Ryan ~
I will gladly donate my house as your command post.. b/c heaven forbid you miss even one posting all chaos will break lose on this site :)
I will keep ya in my thoughts and prayers then!! Even a lil T.S. can do some damage!
I agree with what you said and jane too.
My nephew worked on bb8&9 and said how he couldn't stand Natalie. Then when he met her at the party she was so kind and interested in everyone else he couldn't help but like her. He said she was really kind. He liked her and didn't feel sorry for her. He's gay so it wasn't the little head thinkin.
I like most all these people and I think outside the house they are different and not so desperate.
Agree ry. Think people here are being as fickle as we accuse the HGs of being.
Pleeeasssee Renny -- don't prove me wrong!
Ry :) hehe. I wasn't feeling blah blah blah about it earlier, but now that i'm all stocked up, odds on, it wont come anywhere near us. ;)
you get used to them... well, in as much as, if you were gonna be in any state for a hurricane, florida's your best bet, in terms of speedy response.. we know how to prepare, and we take them very seriously. something like 80% of all hurricanes to hit the U.S, hit US..
at least with hurricanes we get up to a week of lead time to prepare...
i'm babbling.. sorry..
Ryan - It doesn't matter what Renny does. By creating doubt in their minds about her, she has killed her OWN GAME. These people are bringing up petty things from the first week of the game. Ya think they will forget this? This has nothing to do with jumping off or on any train. We are entitled to our own theories, right? :)
Run Carolyn, Run!! I live in Ocala and i still get uncomfortable when they say EVAC.
lol Ryan re cone. Ask Carolyn, evac's get old real quick. Especially in a "busy" season. Besides, hurricane parties are fun. You can be scared **itless with friends.
Christy :) Awwww!! Thank you!
rosaritoe - you sooooooo need to email me! ;p
Ry- that is funny ... but you would be surprise how many locals think a Cat 2 is just a lil windy, while I am in the basement with 4 months of canned peaches and water :)
Marci - I have some very fun hurricane party memories. :) hehehe... Champagne & Chocolate pancakes...
Of course, the best ones are where the storm never hits.. big grown up slumber party at someone's house who lives inland.
Oh man, this is nerve-wracking. Everybody should get a glass of water right now or else their mouths are going to be dry from the desert wait. She's going to put up April, that's for sure. Jerry/Ollie is the other one, it's set in stone as far as I'm concerned.
Bottom line for Renny.. she needs to think of who she can count on to vote the way she needs them too. Thus, she has to put 2 of the 3 up! Personally I will throw a party if April goes this week.
April really did herself in, many of past season BB peeps don't care for her either...she is going to have a brutal reality when even BB alum's don't befriend her!
Christy... We laughed at cat 1's.. til Katrina spanked us.. We were ground zero for her. She came in a cat 1... with 135pmh gusts. wtf?!
that's when we stopped laughing at the cat 1s... and then she was followed by rita and wilma, all within 3 weeks time.
whatta season!
Oh Genie, I completely agree with you on the creating doubt in people's minds. She has messed her game up by doing that. I guess my wrap-up to the rant was that I didn't want people to sit there and say she has no game or she's a floater. She DOES have game, it may just be not what you would like it to be.
By all means, everyone can have as many theories as they like. Hell, that's what makes this blog so fun! ;) I did not mean to annoy you Genie, and if I did, I am sorry!
~ Ryan ~
I need some help. Can you have the blog up on screen and also have the comments up. I have to keep refreshing and going back to get the blog then back to comments and refresh there.
Ry - re property damage... haven't had any since Andrew, back in 92... and the last time we had a direct hit on my island before that was 35 years earlier.
Also, I keep getting a security question...not secure...can I get rid of that somehow
Rose :) just right click on this and scroll down. then you'll have the comments in one window and the blog in the other. refresh both at will. ;)
rosa - no, not at allll, and :)
Hard to talk seriously about any house guest's demise while Carolyn is talking about waiting for a hurricane to hit.
Way to go Carolyn - putting a damper on our carefree fun. :)
I haven't given up on Renny. She's in an interesting spot because she wasn't on anyone's radar, so it's not a cut and dry choice like it would be for Ran, Keesha, or Memphis. Whatever Renny does she will be a little worse off for it. So I get where she is coming from. HOH is always a double edged sword, but especially if you are well liked.
I totally agree.Renny's workin em.Have we forgotten how Michelle acted after last weeks HOH.How they've all acted (keyword ACTED) in this house.
Nellie! Nellie! Nellie!
crossing my fingers April and Ollie please....... lets all send Renny the Vibes........
OMG Ryan! You so did not annoy me! I heart you!!! I'm sorry it "sounded" like I did. In fact, I think it's so noble of you to come to Renny's defense like a knight in shining armor! HUGS? :)
Carolyn, I have family in Corpus Christi, TX & outside Galveston, TX. My house is the evacuation point for them if they have to evacuate. We have had many fun parties too! I am inland from them in San Antonio.
you inland goddess you.
on behalf of the island refugees...
we thank you!
Here's a quick one just dashed off for the occasion.I'm still without a computer but couldn't resist running over with thisNeedless to say I hope Renny puts up April and Ollie.
Renny's renegades
Renny’s renegades are now the ones on top,
In the HOH comp they did not stop.
The nasty three went down to stay,
April first did Dear Renny slay.
Next Dan did take old Jerry out,
With joy at my computer I did shout,
Jerry’s actions bit him in the ass,
Dan did not just let it pass.
Ollie blew it on his own,
As he sat down sour April groaned,
They knew their time to rule was done,
They will be picked off one by one.
Libra’s gone and Keesha’s here,
The nominations are drawing near.
Renny now rules the Big brother house,
And April’s quiet as a mouse,
She’s knows she may be nominated
Her behavior shows that it is fated.
Ollie, we hope is by her side,
Our patience they have sorely tried.
Jerry’s nervous as can be,
Renny hates him we can see.
He knows that she does want him gone,
If he goes up he’s not a pawn.
In Memphis she sees a major threat,
He reassures Renny not to fret.
He says he would not put her on the block,
She’s not so sure it’s not a crock.
She does not trust sweet honest Dan,
We all know that he’s the man,
That most of us want to caress,
Especially me I will confess.
Renny’s keeping Michelle so very near,
She will not trust her have no fear,
Renn knows just what to do,
To get her and Keesha to Final Two.
As for me I want to see,
April and Ollie in misery,
Sitting up upon the block,
That would make this day really rock.
rose - you can get rid of the security question by switching to mozilla :)
Carolyn, You should move to Ohio, we don't get Hurricanes or Tropical storms here. Just snow.
I'm in Katy and have family in Seabrook. I'm the evacuee shelter too and have great slumber parties!
Good evening.
First off, thoughts and prayers out to Carolyn and everyone potentially affected by the storm. On to the game . . .
I understand where Renny's concerns lie, but it seems to me that in a case like this, where the noms are relatively expected, she wouldn't be much more of a target by putting up Ollie rather than a pawn. In fact, she could conceivably tell Ollie he's a pawn, and he might not be incredibly insulted by it.
Kvothe - i was born in cleveland. ;) still have plenty of family there.
ltc - cheers to you!
Brother Mouzone - Thank you :)
Thanks a lot Carolyn! I'm sitting here alone chuckling remembering so many hurricane parties. Grape juice margaritas and shrimp on the barbie caught with nets when 20+ foot waves crash on the beach. Gotta make do until grocery trucks can get back in the area!
OK OK - back to BB with a big grin on my face!
Genie ~ YAY HUGS!! Whew...I was getting a little worried for a sec, sorry. I started to think back at the VERY beginning, before the season even began, and how I was talkin to pretty much just you. I was getting sad, but now that we're OK (even though we weren't NOT OK to begin with, lol), it's all OK!
~ Ryan ~
Excellent yet again Noni.
Checking in while cooking dinner and I find that y'all are talking about hurricane's.
msfitz - you and I are the same. I'm the inland house for friends and family. My family and hubby's family is from a town close to Galv. Both still live there but we decided we didn't want to worry about the hurricane's anymore so moved up near Austin. Now they come to us when they need to.
Oh really? I live in the Cleveland suburbs. What a coincidence.
Family gives you even more of a reason to move back.
And the snow hasn't been that bad lately, thanks to global warming.
Noni - Love the poem! :D Particularly the part about caressing Dan... ;-) Aww. Dan. XD
Okay, I'm sleepy, come on noms...
I totally agree about the internet. And I also don't feel guilty expressing my thoughts. Secretly, I hope that not only do they read these blogs but also see many reruns of their late night activities.
That being said, if I were to meet them face to face I would probably be kind or at least polite. Once we were no longer face to face, I would do what they all do. Gossip about them.
At least I am honest.
But I would never sign up for a show like this. I am naive enough to trust people with my own personal issues and we all no what a big mistake that is. I am foolish enough to believe if I befriend someone we can have a bitch session about someone else and it will stay between us 'friends'. I let people walk all over me because I actually don't like to hurt peoples feelings or be confrontational. I am not good at lying to someone's face, especially when they catch you off guard. But I have a breaking point. Once I reach it, especially if I feel justified, I can be a complete raging biotch.
Put it this way, April would still be hiding under those covers. All in all, I just ain't got the right stuff to win a game like this.
That doesn't make me admire them. I kind of have to wonder if they are masochists or just plain idiots to put their dirty laundry out there for everyone to see. But I still appreciate it. And I thank them for many hours of entertainment.
Marci - Just had another memory.. wayyy back... Hurricane David - I was like 10.. My brother Jimmy and I put on our roller skates, grabbed some mini sailboard sails and practically flew down the street..
hehehe :)
Ryan - You're a sweetheart! :)
Noni, great poem! I agree with everything, especially the Dan caressing! ;)
~ Ryan ~
Kvothe - Beachwood...
Carolyn - LOL
Thanks y'all!
I just put one up in honor of what Ollie was saying earlier it being Friday night and missing going out.
First thing that popped into my mind and don't you know there are 8!?!
Alas, the waiting game continues.
I really hope Renny does right by us and her earlier antics were just for show.
Noni, you rock! You are so good at writing these poems. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Hope your computer is fixed soon.
Sorry Carolyn-Just trying to catch up. I am in Pennsylvania.
Love your poetry Noni
Marci and Carolyn - You're making want to move there. Stop making sound like so much fun! hehehe :)
Where at in Cleveland.
Bravo Noni!! :)
Everyone.. think happy thoughts for Rhonda...
This has got to be the longest nomination ceremony
WoW, what an afternoon. I'm so glad I slept through it. I would have been coming through the monitor at Renny, and may still when we see who she nominates.
I love Renny, but her HoH attitude has lowered her a bit off the pedestal. Ribbon on the door, etc. She didn't mind camping out to hear everything when she wasn't HoH.
Now to wait for trivia to go away. I have to burn some CDs for tonight while I wait.
Carolyn, I'll be watching Fay closely. Of course our people are starting to try to put us in panic mode here as always, since the cone leans to the left just barely into the gulf.
texasgirl -- where are u? I grew up in Pearland and used to have relatives in Texas City and League City.
Different topic -- Everytime the music skips that beat or changes from the old standard, I jump back to the feeds! Shouting ... "BB, Stop that!"
I have been sending Rhonda bouquet thoughts all day! :)
GayTor - hi honey. go get water. bb will keep.
grendon and friends - with all my heartfelt appreciate for the hours of entertainment the house guests bring me, I want to say to each and every one of them: thank you for being a megalomaniac!
Just curious-What made you think UK?
Great Noni -- THANKS!!!!
Grendon ~ I am from Philly! Where in PA are u from?
How many of you are in the storm's line? Sounds like more than Carolyn. I can't quick checking the weather channel now.
Instead of sending Renny 'thoughts' - I'm sending them to the mountains Carolyn mentioned in hopes they drop kick and punt pass the heck out of ol' Fay. (yes you're right, I know nothing about sports - but drop kick and punt sounded good?)
Grendon - i thought UK, because when it was 8pm here onthe east coast, i thought you said it was 1am where you were.. and i know we have quite a few people from the UK that come to the site.
I guess if I would of read all the post I would know the answer to my own question. Beachwood. Its nice out there.
I betyou do not miss the snow.
I am located in Erie.
itcmek - Seabrook??? Really???
Me and hubby grew up in Dickinson.
Beachwood's not that far from here, maybe 15-20 minutes. That's right by Legacy Village, right?
It was I who said it was 1am where I am. XD I'm in the UK. :)
omg...i'm dying of anticipion here!...its actually kinda fun...specially since everyone seems to bee on the edge of their seats...its affecting all of us
uhhhh... i don't know... we moved to key biscayne when i was 4 in 1973 ;) a looonnnnggggg time ago!
I just had a great thought. I could make way more than $500K if I could come up with a thought recognition refresh program!
health and peace to rhonda. protection and love to carolyn.
Kvothe where are you at?
I am in Cuyahoga Falls
LOL Carolyn, no time for water, I have that show tonight. Have to make money before I can spend it anyway.
Happy Thoughts to Rhonda. Hurry back to us.
Great as always Noni.
Used to know Dickinson well, but not sure I could find my way around now that there's more than one block.
Still have family in Seabrook (Kirby Lakes).
Small, small world -- but not as small as the BB house.
Itcmek we used to live in League City across from South Shore. Wow what a small world.
(Sorry off topic and I'm checking while cooking dinner so I'm running a bit behind on everyone's comment.)
Maybe they are still waiting for Jerry to get out of the bathroom
4 in 1973 ?!?!?!?!?
That's the year I graduated from High School!
Thank you for making me feel really really old Carolyn. But from that I now know your age and you look amazing for it. :p~
It's right around Lyndhurst. It opened around 2003, so I guess you missed it by a few years.
And you may have been 4 in '73, but you don't look a day over 27.
Yeah right C - so is that your high school pic?
Does anyone know why this nomination is taking so long?
Arri - Ahhhhhh!!! Mystery solved! THank you!
I am a computer novice. I refer to it as technologically impaired.
I got it last year and the first thing I did was find out how to get the live feeds. I wanted them in time for the toilet flush heard 'round the world (you know-Dustin's eviction)
I wasn't going to keep the feeds for BB9-especially after I discovered your site. I mean having you is almost like being there. I had to break down the week of back door Matt. Once I knew they were gonna pull a switch and BD James I knew reading about it would not compare to seeing it unfold with my own eyes.
I posted a lot last year but was always anon because I know next to nothing about blogger accounts. In case you haven't caught on-I am a big James fan. Here's hoping for another all-stars.
Maybe April went nuts when she was put on the block and she tried killing the rest of the HG that is why it is taking forever.
Couple of more min and off to bed. I have to get up for work in 6 hours. =(
Hopefully the hurricane will not hit us at all...It was 4 years ago that Hurricane Charlie hit me..Lost house, cars + business, which was closed down for 8 months. We still haven't recovered. Saying my prayers...FYI I'm on the West Coast of Florida, Punta Gorda.
OH Caroly you were 4 yrs old in 1973.... hehhee you just gave your age away ...73 isnt that longgggggggggg ago.. feels like yesturday..
Haloe - thank you! :)
ltc - lol.. yup!
gaytor - hehe. thanks.. and sorry.
kvothe - thanks :) how old are you? i ask because if you're past a certain age, i'm guessing you know someone i know in cleveland...
If Carolyn was 4 in 1973, then how old is she now!?
May I just now so how I much I love you Carolyn? LOVE YOU!
~ Ryan ~
Izzy Dawlin' - I am if Fay hiccups!
Marci - lol, nope.. my highschool pic, my senior one anyway... i had this asymmetrical bob.. kinda shaved on the right side and in the back.. with all kinds of spikyness..
it gets worse.. i turned 5 in october of 73...
It's just like old home week around here, lol.
Andrea- "Maybe they are still waiting for Jerry to get out of the bathroom" -- LOL!!! I wouldnt doubt it :)
Heeeellllloooo everyone!!
Wow do I feel out of the loop today :(
Ok talk of all these hurricanes has me thinking of those of you it may reach. We don't get those here, just the odd tornado now and again. I trust you have all prepared yourselves to stay safe.
I'm sending pics to a couple that sat next to us at Crue Fest, I certainly got some great shots of all the bands, got a sweet one with the lead singer from Sixx AM and even snapped a photo of Kat vonD.
I really hope Renny makes the right choice and puts up A/O, any other people would just not be right.
Now we wait.....
I won't know anyone you knew, I'm still in high school.
I just hope MsFitz is not still holding her breath
that was at 4.46
Hi Julie B :)
Carolyn... no worries girlie.. I was 6 in '73! Eeek...LOL!
Remember you are only as old as you feel!
LOL Nancy,it's so true with April anything is possible.
kvothe - ahhhh. you are correct. lol.
stormy - eeeeeeeek!!!!
lol - remember it well. Unfortunately my hair is like Michelle's! Not too cool with asymmetrical bob. Have to agree with Gaytor re you pic!
Awesome Carolyn thank you so much.This is so much easier.
No hurricanes here, or tornados... Just earthquakes that come with out warning...thank goodness! I think I would stress out too much knowing something was coming!
Julie B,
How was Crue Fest? I've been trying to convince some friends to go with me, to no avail. They don't appreciate high art.
I'm two years older than Carolyn and if I do say so myself I think I look fabulous too. I still have all my fur.
fl-chick... sending prayers your way!! Sorry to hear about Charlie... my sister lived in Orlando when it hit FL then it turned and hit SC two days later where I lived in Myrtle Beach... my parents were beside themselves with the same hurricane hitting both of us directly while two states away!!! We were luck to only have minor damage though.
Genie. That's the same as firefox. Right. Thanks I'll do that.
Breathe MsFitz Breathe
Texas Girl - I'm glad to be the the evacuation point. I just always worry what they will go home to and many times it was not too bad but when Rita hit family close to Galveston/Beaumont got hit real bad. Took a lot of time to recover. They live on a ranch & lost a lot of livestock.
Carolyn, I was 5 in Oct. of 73, too! The 14, how about you?
FLChick - omg.. you're in Punta Gorda... say no more. The name of the city is enough. oooof. Talk about bad forecasting.
Everyone else.. FLChick is living proof that you take every warning seriously... no matter if they say it's supposed to hit you, or hit 100 miles away, as it was supposed to be for them.
As it was, that storm changed the maps. It literally cut the island in half.
jane - lmfaO!!!
I was 4 in January, 1973. Since we're comparing notes haha.
Wow- Renny must be giving one heck of a speech :) I pray it involves A/O !!!! Did anyone hear the HG speculating on a POV comp tonight... the reasoning was the back yard was missing items.. any thought to the possibilty??
Anon @ 6:22. LOL! Thank you for your concern. When I started to turn blue I decided to stop!
Trivia for an hour and fifteen minutes! It never takes this long. Hopefully Jerry didn't die of a heart attack or the house isn't burning down.
Okay I don't have the feeds. So I don't know if y'all still have fishes. But do nom's normally take this long?
Maybe April has lost it
Lee!! No way!! You're my 100% birthday twin! :) 10/14/68
I'm starting not to like Renny as HOH. She is questioning every one in her alliance. Earlier she said to Dan the Keesha and Memphis are too close. I think she may turn on Keesha and go with Michelle because she thinks Michelle has no one. She knows Keesha has Memphis. I think it's a bad move. I agree the ribbon on the door...says don't bother me. I don't think Keesha is not up in the HOH much is not her choice. I think Renny is shuting her out. IMHO
The length of this nomination ceremony is making me wonder if April went absolutely crazy and had to be physically restrained from strangling Renny and then heavily sedated and removed from the house...
WOW! TWINS! I always wanted a sister! SO, we share a BD, we are of the same faith AND we love BB. WAIT, I think we are both single, too! At least I am. Not that excited about that, though! haha.....
Maybe April tried to commit hari kari with a lollipop.
Well Carolyn, you don't have to go all the way back to cold, snowy Cleveland. I'm in SE Ohio and the winters are verrrryyyy mild. No hurricanes, tropical storms, earthquakes and the last tornado was in the 60's.
It's as close to a perfect hermetically sealed bubble as I can get! I'm not big on nature, except through the window! LOL
And I too was 4 in '73!
Have you been watching the live feeds late at night? Tsk tsk
I suddenly feel dirty. Oh well, I will get over it.
My husand is the same age as you Carolyn. I was 11 in 1973. Oh well, my hearts still beating, my blood's still pumping and I still have a crush On Crazy James.
umm,any clue what's taking them so long?
I seriously hope nothing bad happen in the BB house,because this is very strange. Unless BB is screwing with us
MsFitz-sorry to hear about that, losing livestock is not only costly but some of those animals you get really attached to. We live out in the sticks and have some cattle.
I don't mind at all being the evacuation meeting place. I would rather try to find a place for everyone to sleep than them get hurt.
I remember the last nomination ceremony taking a really long time too. They usually take like a half hour. Maybe they have some new production thing.
Or April killed them all.
Carolyn, I have a fabulous daughter your age and another fabulous daughter 2 years older. No wonder I like you so much!!
Marci dawlin' - water the yard or something to avoid the hiccup!!!
Hi Carolyn! Hi BB Lovers!!!!
Please let Renny put up A/O!!!!
*Everyone stay safe in this crazy weather*
TexasGirl - LOL. I gave up holding my breath!!!
I hope Jerry is okay. Maybe Renny nominated him and he lost it. The man's blood pressure must skyrocket when he gets pissed. Or maybe they forgot to turn on the feeds.
jacki -- do you think i can have her designer duds then?
Lee.. hmmmmm... :)
Thats it. I am going to bed. But if you guys are still waiting when I get up for work I will send each and everyone one of you to bed.
(It has happen before)
Hi everyone, Stay safe out there!!
I was 2 in 73. Not to rub it in or anything. LOL. So glad to be hanging out with people my own age online!!! I automatically assume online people are 20 or younger.
I wonder if Jerry called Dan a womanizer which caused both Dan and Memphis to flip out on him.
It's Jerry & April!
Lee -- Love your idea of April as the wicked stepmom. Made me LOL.
I think April should stay out of the kitchen now...she can't take the heat! And, please somebody other than April win POV!
Wooo Hoo she put up April and Jerry !
Yeah-They're back!
April's in tears.
Maybe I'll cry too. Happy tears that at least April is on the block.
BB Gods-step in and slant that POV comp the right way
Maybe Jerry was nominated and he responded by calling Dan a Judas again and Memphis a womanizer and all heck broke out like after Jessie was evicted.
OMG I feel so ooohhhlllld.
I have the same exact bday as Oprah Winfrey.I was 18 in 73,I saw Jimi Hendrix live.How I even manage to scroll up and down is a miracle.
Sounds like Jerry and April????
Sounds like Jerry and April????
OMG - Jerry is lying and sucking up already. He's been on the block 2 minutes?
Oh ye of little faith!
April AND...Jerry. Oh well. At least April's smug ass is up on that block. Things will really show once the veto comp is done n over with tomorrow.
~ Ryan ~
rosa, i was 17 in 73, so we're really close in age too.
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