Waiting on the Food Comp
The Feeds went to Bubbles at 11:24am BBT... As of 11:32am BBT, we've still got Bubbles. Feel's pretty safe to say we have a food comp, if not underway, then at least getting costumed up.
Here's hoping they leak it to the live feeds! We haven't gotten a comp leak yet this season, and it's about time!
@ 12:59pm BBT
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While we wait on the comp to finish and/or the leak to happen, how about an activity?
If you were making song dedications on the radio to each of the remaining HGs, what would they be?
Also, heads up! Angie's Auctions end today at around 9pm BBT. This link will get you to all the current BB auctions. :)

YaY..Comp time. FINALLY! I can't even stick my head out the door today the way I look, so unless I decide it's nap time you are stuck with me until about 10 PM GCT.
Back to last night's live show because I didn't see it mentioned, but that doesn't there.
Anyone notice the look on April's face when she was remved from the comp first? It was classic April Sourpuss. If looks could kill!
Just had to throw that in.
GAME! We need a game!
Oh come on... I missed the "leaked" food comp from last season...
I just want a lil peek!!
Hey Gaytor, I had one in the last post...
What's the food you hate the most?
...gag... gag....Venison...and the smell of curry spices..gags
Boy listening to Keesha talk about her movie would have been a great opportunity for April to tell us about her blockbuster movie! Ohhhh, bubbles, guess we will have to wait to hear that one!
I was just re-watching last nights show. I would give AGP money to find out if that whiplash reaction from Ollie, after April told him Keesha was jealous of her cuz she was prettier, was real or tweaked.
And I loved how excited April got telling Ollie that they were the biggest reality couple and they were going to be in People, US etc., and everyone was going to ask for interviews. I can't wait either and I would love to be a fly on the wall watching her read EVERYTHING that is said about her.
Does BB make everyone as mean as me? Maybe I should start the weaning process now. She just makes it so easy.
Last year's nasty food comp - Didn't ED host it, and it was an everything in a blender drink? I know they used that one other season, maybe his, but I seem to recall a 2nd blender comp.
Actually the other nasty food comp seemed to be after BB asked everyone their favorite foods, but then the comp was they got their favs but UGH!
Carolyn I haven't checked Weather Bug yet. Has the storm been named? I'll have to check projected path because our stations yesterday AM were saying possible east coast, but maybe into the Gulf. Of course our local channels hype everything. Not just the tropicals.
Oh, Carolyn, you are on an island. How do you get off? :-O I mean away from the island. Fairy? (pun intended this time.) I haven't been in that area in years but I don't remember a bridge to your island.
Hi GayTor :)
Hi Cakegirl :)
In my younger days when I exhibited questionable behavior I blamed it on my evil twin.My Mother is a twin so I got it from her.
Which twin is April?
I personally think Renny's "quietness" is because she is a really good player and is actually "playing" versus going off of personal feelings. I think she is actually thinking for herself and not for everyone else. We all know she can't stand April, doesn't necessarily mean she's her best HG to get out right now. Renny is way more strategic than personal---look how she "hesitated" last night when kicking April out of the HOH comp
Food I hate the most? haha Cake... I won't eat a creation Danny makes of tuna, mac&cheese and canned tomatoes. He hasn't made it 26 years. WHEW!
But as for a food, normal ... I guess it would have to be sushi or raw oysters. Can't think of another thing.
Wow Carolyn - be safe!!
I know people get CRAZY when weather like that acts up - watch out for the cocoNUTS out there girl!!
They already had the food I hate most---ONIONS. I could almost smell them.
There are actually 2 bridges you have to cross over to get to my island.. closest to the mainland is the Powell Bridge (formerly Rickenbacker) and then the shorter one is referred to as Bear Cut...
p.s. No name yet on the storm... No eye.
The blender comps were POV comps
thanks, cakegirl :)
i just have to decide where i wanna go this time... my usual spots aren't available or have become undesirable...
Gaytor -
That does sound DISgusTING! I myself am not a fan of "hot" tuna...YAKKITY YAK YAK!
Food I can't stand: chicken pot pie. My mother had to spend some time in the hospital when I was younger and since my Dad didn't cook, it was chicken pot pie for months. Now just the smell of it makes me sick!!!
Gulf? Gulf? Gaytor don't say Gulf! I'm here in Destin and don't like hearing Gulf. I have been so glued to BB, I haven't heard about this one.
And I'll ditto your hated foods and add lima beans.
foods i will not eat: meatloaf, mushrooms, olives. or anything BB is going to serve to the HG's!
hope it doesnt turn into anything too bad Carolyn...we need you!
happy friday all!
i made the boyfriend watch BB last night with me (my usual bb girlfriends were all working late) he couldn't get over the way i FREAKED OUT and jumped off the couch as april, jerry and ollie were the first eliminated from HOH...still am smiling from it!
I would play the song Move Bitch by Luda to April with a later in the day You's A Hoe also by Luda!
Song dedications, eh...
Nasty Girl by Destiny's Child for April.
I'll get back to you with the others. :P
My worst food is onions and mushrooms. Bluerrgh.
There were 2 gross food comps in season 8. The 'pies' when they had to try and figure out what they were made of was one. The other was similar to last years when they had to drink stuff. Some was gross, some normal-some in shots, some in large glasses. But I don't remember if it was for HOH or POV.
I kow it is supposed to be what song we would dedicate to each Hg but I can't help myself.
I think APril would dedicate "Son of a precher man" or "preachers son" I cant rtemember the right name. But you know the oldies song. Haha, that was the first thing that came to my mind when I read the activity.
Song dedications:
April: The Beautiful People, Marylin Manson
Jerry: The Dueling Banjos from the movie Deliverance
Good luck Carolyn and be safe !! We all love ya !
PLEASE keep tabs on april and her so far late period....it would be unbelievable if she were to be pregnant!!!!
Don't forget House Calls is on now!
My guess is that April's 'late' period is just another way of her trying to keep any attention she can on herself. I would not be shocked in the least if she made the whole thing up. Just like with the afro wig on CF. She couldn't stand that he hadn't talked to her - the 'prettiest' one in the house yet, so she found a way to get his attention. UGH!
Hope the storm disperses itself Carolyn
First of all what is AGP?? Probably something obvious but I just can't think of it. Second of all April was in a movie?
Third of all:
April: "I must increase my bust"
Renny: "Girls just wanna have fun"
Keesha: "Intuition"
Ollie: "Take a bow"
Jerry: "Let it be"
Memphis: "Lucky"
Dan: a medley of showtunes
Michelle: "Give Peace a Chance"
Song for April:
Your SO Vain
not sure if i should do this but i dunno if i can help it...
dan- "ill make love to you" boyz II men.
you all know he is charming & gorgeous! LOL
Song dedications...hmmm...
Jerry.. Old Mac Donald had a farm!
Renny- Dress You Up in My Love by Madonna
Memphis- Walking in Memphis
April- Stupid Girls by Pink
Ollie- Open Your Eyes by SnowPatrol
Keesha- Girls just wanna have fun
Dan- ESPN theme song
Mechelle- Lady In Red
Hee hee... thanks for the fun!
Hi Carolyn- im usually just a lurker on the boards but i have found myself posting more and more lately...just wanted to say you do a GREAT job at keeping up with all the insane HGs!! this season is way better than last...and heres hoping to april getting the boot this week...if she would have thrown my child into the game the way she did libras--lets just say it would be alllll bad for her...
Jerry: We're not going to take it! (Twisted Sister)
Ollie: It Wasn't me (Shaggy)
April: Bye Bye Bye (N sync)
Renny: Queen of the World (Ida Maria)
Keesha: Good to be Bad (Whitesnake)
Memphis: Caught in the Middle (A1)
Dan: Help Me (Kelis)
Michelle: Jessie's Girl (Rick Springfield)
She's a lady for Renny.
Lyin Eyes for April.
Hi Calzo :) Thank you.
jenn - thanks :) me too!
Keesha Smith is listed for the movie the Fear Chamber playing "Nancy" completed in 2008. I do not see anything under April.. God could she have lied!!! NO SAY IT AINT SO.. OH the humanity!!!!
G'day Dawlins!
Carolyn, all my best wishes for your safety. Hopefully the thing will fizzle.
April's late??? Could you imagine???
Val in tx - I'm a Dan Fan too, but I gotta say Mmmmmmmyummy Memphis. I just L O V E that southern accent! Of course being in Tx, you are probably used to those and not at all impressed by them anymore:)
I think April is full of the bool-sheet! Shiela had no problem last year telling us her movie credits and you could find her with no problem on IMDB database under her real name. QUESTION.... why didn't April tell the movie name, she was in it so no waiver was needed. I looked up the name she is using in the BB10 house and there is no one with that name in the IMDB database. So no screen actors guild card exists with that name. So is she making it all up OR is her movie screen name the street she was born on and her first pet name?
Can we all say D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-A-L
Just a random thought - how much would it suck to be April's twin right now? I wonder if the poor girl has dyed her hair brown? Boy, would love to hear an interview with her!
song for Jerry - Loser
song for Ollie- havin my baby
I think they should play the "song that never ends". It would drive them bananas!
Rosaritoe - lol - I don't think she really has a twin! She's just evil and evil!
Lonely boy for Jerry, he's all alone now
hehehehehe.. "The song that never ends"
hehehe. When I ran a camp, if one of the counselors was pissing me off, I'd get all their kids singing it, first thing in the morning..
anon 12:06 they actually already played The Beautiful People, Marylin Manson in the house. I remember Memphis complaining about it as a wake up song.
Nelli J AGP is Alison Grodner Producer, that is right isn't it Carolyn?
Song dedications
April- Crazy Bitch
Keesha - Too Drunk, new song by Buck Cherry who did CB as well. The lyrics work for Keesha and April as well.
Memphis - Girls, Girls, Girls
Dan - Hollywood Nights by Bob Seager, another Michigan boy
Nice HC but short. Tried to get through with what did she say to Michelle when she left, anyone catch what it was?
Carolyn- haha thats hilarious!!! When did you run camps? Ive thought about doing that during the summers...being a counselor...ive worked as a summer camp teacher at a day care, but i think an overnight camp would be fun.
anon. at 12:26- i do hear the southern accent always...and im proud to say my boyfriend is def. the definition of a southern boy! wears a hat, drives a truck, and listens to country music. memphis is very good looking though, but DAN just has something about him that makes me all giggly. lol
AGP=Allison Grodner Productions.
Val - it's been a while.. 7 years since... very fun though. i highly recommend it. :)
Goldchampagne, checked imdb and no DELUSIONAL listed in a movie either, LOL.
Dan - Everyday - Buddy Holly
Renny - Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Keesha - Me Myself and I - De La Soul
April - Heart Of Glass - Blondie
Ollie - Bend Me, Shape Me - American Breed
Michelle - Wheres Your Head At - Basement Jaxx
Jerry - American Idiot - GreenDay
Memphis - In y Secret Life - Leonard Cohen
This was way harder then i thought it would be!
Oh and the food i dislike the most....raw onions!
My song requests for the houseguests:
April - "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner
Ollie - "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell
Jerry - "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding
Keesha - "When Doves Cry" by Prince
Dan - "Losing My Religion" by REM
Memphis - "Maybe It Was Memphis" by Pam Tillis
Michelle - "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield
Renny - "Callin' Baton Rouge" by Garth Brooks
Song dedications:
Jerry: Hit the road Jack
April and Ollie: You shook me all night long
Wow Carolyn - don't like the looks of that cone on the weather map. My only ways off are over 2 bridges too. Been caught in line too many times and have been turned back, so now I ride 'em out. Ivan was a nightmare. Still not totally recovered around here.
Good luck! I have a bad feeling about this season and hope it's too early for a bad one! When you live on an island, a little one can be bad. Sorry, hope I am wrong wrong wrong! Everything I can cross is!
I guess a lot of us had the same idea.
During the downtime I tried to dig into April's acting/modeling career.
I have seen clips from Keesha's movie. There are real actor's in it. Not big name, but actor's I was able to recognize.
The only credit of any kind I could find for April: Her 15 day tour in a 'tent city' jail for DUI charges.
Marci - no name still though, right?
OK, before nap time, I have to add a couple of songs... can't think of one for everyone, or not ones I can say here and get published but...
Memphis: Walking to Memphis
Renny: Wig in a Box
Keesha (to Ollie): Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me
Dan: Send in the Clowns
The rest are unprintable because I wrote them myself.
Sending good thoughts your way Carolyn and Marci! Hope the storm dissipates!
As for the food comp: I hope Michelle, April and Jerry are on slop. :) I can be mean too!
OMG!! Lollipops it was!!!!
They got lollipops LOL!
Another one for Memphis or Dan:
I don't know how many know this song by Brad Paisley but it goes "I wanna check you for ticks" :p~
YAY! Lollipops! BIG ONES
You mean the song by Dusty Springfield?
'Son of a Preacher Man'
Allison Groedner Productions--BB
a tent jail---ROTHLMFAO
Dang! Now I want a lollipop!
It's difficult to read what you write or remember what I just read.
All I can do is look at that darlin baby face!
Look for fun on the feeds tonight. They love the lollis. Air guitar with giant lollis.
Renny say it isn't so. Not Dan on the block as a pawn. Talk her out of it Dan.
Gaytor, I know that song, I Wanna Check You for Ticks! There was a girl I used to work with that loved Country & Western but hated that song. A guy that sat next to her would put in the CD that was on & would play it just loud enough to drive her crazy!
tropical storm FAY
Now it's really getting bad. Renny is playing with her emotions too. She is after Jerry for his week one nom? Come on Renny you Jessie gave him the only reason to put someone up. Now she is listening to Ollie? Telling him he won't go home. Renny darlin you don't control the votes. I could see Ollie going home if he and April are on the block. People will still think that taking the most hated person to the end is a good idea. If she has to put April and Jerry up, tell Jerry he's the pawn.
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