HoH Pictures
11:07am BBT
It's HoH Picture time... We'll have some more up for you shortly...
11:14am BBT
While everyone else is doing HoH pics and chatting outside, Libra's already packing, and the others are commenting on how she's just ready to go...
Hippie Room
Michelle comes in to take pics, and Libra tells her she'd really rather not.
Michelle: Why not?
Libra: It's just like the other night...
Michelle: Well, it's not for me, it's for the site.
Libra: I don't look good.
Michelle gives up, walks away and whispers about it...
11:19am BBT
Backyard - Couch
Michelle, Jerry, Renny, Ollie
Michelle is complaining to everyone that Libra didn't want to be photographed. Renny tells Michelle she should go right back in there and take her picture like that anyway. Just so they'll put it on the site.
Michelle: What a b*tch. That was straight out b*tch right there.
Michelle moves on to take a pic with Memphis. Ollie snaps it.
11:24am BBT
Hippie Room
Libra & Keesha
Libra's saying she doesn't want to be fake about everything. Since everyone has decided that she's to blame for everything, why should she put on a happy face for pictures?
Renny comes in, and Keesha asks if she wants to go walking... right now. Renny says not now. Keesha says she'll go work out with Jerry. After listening to Libra for another minute, Renny gets it, and says she will walk with Keesha now.
BB: Keesha, please come to the Diary Room.
11:28am BBT
Dan & Michelle
Dan's preparing some slop and he just burned the heck out of something. Michelle comes in to take a pic of the slop for the HoH pics.
Michelle leaves. April comes into the kitchen complaining of a spider bite on her finger.
Dan: When did you notice that? Just now?
April: Yeah, I was just out on the hammock...
Dan explains he's making another batch of slop, because he burnt the first one.
11:29am BBT
BB: Libra, please come to the Diary Room.
11:31am BBT
It seems Dan has discovered his iced underwear. There's a whole lot of "You started it!" " I wanna call a truce!" "I've only just begun!"
11:33am BBT
Michelle's still hot about Libra not wanting to be in a picture.
Keesha comes back in the kitchen. Dan's tweaked that not only did he freeze her underwear, but she took a picture with them! lol. There is no truce, because Keesha's one up on Dan now.
11:36am BBT
April puts the Afro wig on for a pic with Ollie. Then she goes off to put the green unitard on. Michelle's after the red one...
Saved the best for last.. Airborn!
For more terrific pics, head over to DishCaps. Dawn & Kim are rockin' the caps all season long.

I know they post the HoH pics online, but does BB actually print them off for the HGs at any point in time? Like when they leave the house, do they get a photo album? OR are the pics mostly for us die hard fans??
They try to make the biggest deal out of a non-issue. It's her right not to want to take a f*cking picture.
Does anyone know what movie April is claiming she was in??? During the conversations with Ollie last night she mentioned it was a blockbuster hit and is still a good movie. Just curious
Am I crazy to think this, but Libra is actually the logical, better and strategic and actually more likable player of the two on the block? I mean, that thing with Ollie she did had to be atleast 30% to get his vote, she's very methodical.
Hi everyone! Wish I could have seen Dan find his underwear. Too cute.
Love C=Venus' chop of Ollie!!!! LMAO!!! That is by far one of the best chops I've seen.
I agree Bama, if she didn't want her pic taken she didn't have to do it. At this point, I would hate to act all happy too if I were her.
you are the shizzzznit!!!!
than you for all of your hard work!!!!
So true Mike! But, in that house, EVERYTHING seems to become an issue.
Appears Ollie & April have kissed and made up.....maybe he just wants to see her *cell phone with it's list of pro athletes!* LOL Is she just trying to impress or what? If that is the case, I'm not impressed!
I like both ladies on the block. Unfortunately, one of them has to leave. I would prefer Keesha to stay, simply because she has a better chance to taking out April. Libra would be absorbed by the Vitriol Alliance.
Avion, I think Libra is a good game player. She just made it too obvious in the beginning, kind of like Brian did.
I personally would never want to get in a fight with her. She remembers exactly what was said by who and uses it.
But, I happen to like Keesha for some reason. Couldn't tell you why, so have to say I like her more than Libra. Also, I think Keesha might be the better game player simply for masterminding operation "evict Jessie" and having most of the blame lie on Libra. That takes finesse and subtlety, something Libra lacks.
avion - I've always liked Libra, though I think she can be too overt with her attitude (for this game, anyway). I like Keesha too, as annoying as some of her idiosyncrasies are. They are different. Keesha is more emotionally driven and Libra more cerebral. I tend to get along with cerebral types. But I think they are both strong and fundamentally nice women.
Annoyances aside, the only people I have really disliked are Jessie (but he may grow out of his obnoxious behavior) and April. Then of course there is Jerry, but I won't even start on him. I'm not really an Ollie fan, but I can't say I dislike him. Otherwise, I like them all this season - even if I want to smack them sometimes.
Ollie was talking to Dan about his fried slop cakes and said he 'needed something sweet'. Has he had enough of sour April? Won't say what I wanted to, Carolyn. I'll refrain. lol
OMG Get over it Michelle. She dosent want her picture taken. Michelle is my least liked person in the house. Time to get her out! I hope they keep Libra and she wins HOH and puts Michelle up!
anonymous----i think april is just full of it about her phone/movie appearances...
Thanks Ryan I thought so myself especially after trying to find out on Google this morning. But what I can't understand is why someone would lie about such a thing while on the live feeds and showtime
lol i love the dan kessha thing its funny and hopefully neather take it personal its all for fun wonder what dan will do next.
also bye bye L she isnt staying dan will not keep her over K he told K last night he wasnt voteing K out.
even mecheal told Dan not to fall for L stuff (or a/o or jerrys lol)
Jane - I couldn't find anything through Google re: movie either. Did find a few court docs and failure to appears though. Couldn't tell what the violations were, court mumble jumble. I guess she does have some things to "attend to" when she gets home. I am sure if the movie thing or the sports mag was true, she definitely would have put it in her BB bio! Maybe she feels the showmance crumbling?
April's not in IMDB, so IF she was in a movie, it was an extremely inconsequential part.
*Obviously* Keesha deserves to stay. I mean, she did babysit BB8 Zach's turtle!!! (LOL)
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has met a Michelle-type before. How DARE someone take her prize! How DARE someone not let her take their picture! I mean, just WHO do they think they are?!
Maybe it was a movie with James ;) y'think?
I've been snooping all morning on the net for this so called movie she claims to have been in and i'm not finding anything........am i missing something here?
I read this morning that April has 3 DUI's and the last being 2/10/08 which the court dismissed without prejudice so they can refile anytime they want. She also has the "blow and go on her car"/breathalyzer so she is definately a repeat offender
hey everyone :) there's a new top post!
I know i have seen April on something before but i cant remember its not anything important but i kept saying she looked familar to me...and as far as michelle...she is such a child...i cant stand her i hope someone puts her crybaby butt up next week...right along with april...and come on do you think ollie would take someone like april home to his parents...they are prolly turning with embaressment right how of what he is doing in the house and what they have heard him say...i am almost sure he would never take a TRAMP home to momma...lol love you carolyn....***mwah***
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