Waiting on the POV Competition
Feeds went to trivia at 12:39am
Safe to say the PoV competition is well under way.
The Veto Players:
- Renny
- April
- Jerry
- Ollie
- Keesha
- Dan
While we wait, let's Caption These:

BB10Dish is ready to go for Summer 2008. Bookmark the site for all the best of Big Brother 10: Big Brother 10 Updates, Overnight Reports, Spoilers, The Real Deal's Videos, Pics, Chops, Opinions and Interviews. The DishChicks have you covered! At BB10Dish, we cover the Live Feeds, and we strongly recommend you gettem! Watching Big Brother without having the feeds is like getting a massage, but not letting the therapist touch you!
Feeds went to trivia at 12:39am
thanks for staying up for the pov! can't wait to find out who won...
this is a long veto competition man....
Ollie pic- April,that's right tie me up you kinky B***h!
Van in Jersey
Ollie pic - Thank gawd she's on the block...hal-lay-lew-yaw!!
Memphis pic - Yep, your tongue gets stuck on a frozen lollipop too.
I really hope Ollie wins just to shake up the game a little more!
Memphis- gotta stay in practice so I can satisfy my sweetie when i get outa this place.(shame on me, my mind is in the gutter, but where else would it be at this hour)
Van in jersey
Ollie - "Why oh why did I ever put myself in this position with April... girl is getting on my last nerve!"
Memphis - "Well.... it tastes better than slop."
anon @ 1:41 - Noooooooooo!!!
Ollie Pic: I can buy a lot of pink beds with little blondes in them for $500,00. Bye bye Beotch..errr, mama.
Memphis Pic: As I lick, the brain still ticks.
Memphis pic- I lick it like a lollipop its so sweet i wanna lick the wrapper so then i licked the wrapper BB-Stop singing!!!!! Bianca-Orlando
I tell you what, between BBAD and the Olympics I have been getting NO sleep!!
Ollie....Oh yeah, that's it, oh Yeah, Kee....I mean April!
Memphis...I'm the goodship Lollipop, it's a sweet trip to the jury house....where Libra is...
West Coast in the House! Thanks for staying awake on the East Coast.
I am sooo tired! I want them to hurry up already so I can go mimis!! *JMT
Kag, I totally agree. I need sleeeep! *JMT
Off topic - but so hoping Renny, Keesha or Dan wins POV. Let's keep the dawlins in power!!
P.S. - keep checking the weather channel - not seeing much change. Here's hopin' and prayin' tomorrow will bring a better day.
All this anticipation and surprises....I just can't take it anymore!! haha I love it!
Zzzzzzzzz............why, oh why do I do this every season?
Okay 10 more minutes and i'm goin to bed!
If Ollies smart he won't win. having to deal with April b***hin at him for losin is better than having to tell her he's not going to use it on her. that is if he's smart. Which he isn't or he never would have hooked up with her in the first place.
Van in Jersey
This must be an endurance comp its taking forever...
Ollie: Okay April, position #4.
Memphis: Dan, are you paying attention? This is how you take care of Monica.
*****Reporter X******
We love you. Is the sun rising there yet? How the heck are you staying up with us? I hope you know how appreciative we are.
Big Hug from Arizona
sunshine-n-arizona aww thankie..
Nope no sunrise yet..
I have no idea how I am so wide awake...
I'm guessing it's one of those comps like the morphed faces. It's probably a comp where they put all the players in separate rooms and they each come out one at a time to play. That can take 20 to 30 minutes per player, so we're looking at two to three hours total. And I'm an idiot for not going to sleep hours ago!
OMG What if this is a diamond power of VETO and Jerry wins?
Oops never should have even thought of something so awful. (smack self)
Van in Jersey
Did Sheila win?
Oh, sorry, wrong season.
It's 5:16 here and apparently sleep is not an option.
You are cracking me up. Must be a lack of sleep. I agree though, it would be funny as hell if Ollie tries to throw the POV. To add fuel to the fire, wouldn't it be great if it was obvious to April he threw it? PRICELESS.
Now you can smack yourself for the Diamond POV and Jerry remark, hehehe (but only to keep awake)
i hope jerry does win POV. april wud b gone 4 sure.
ReporterX - another thanks from me. I have no idea why I'm still up waiting for this...I usually sign off at least an hour earlier.
Grendon, thanks for making me burst out laughing! At least it woke me up.
Sunshine in AZ -
Memphis Pic: As I lick, the brain still ticks.
FINALLY, I am on the right page. *hiccup*.... I was wondering why no one was posting between my posts, except XBot and CaroBot.
If Ollie threw Pov and Jerry won and took his self off and Renny put up Ollie that would be poetic justice!! And I would wet my pants.It would also go down in history as the stupidest move ever!
Van in jersey
gaytor - lololol..
izzy - hehehe
kissies to you Izzy..thanks for being here..
welcome to the top post Gaytor!! hehehehe
Carolyn, I suppose this means there will be no "Overnight" for me to wake up to?
Ahhhh.. The makeup is off. I'm a MAN again.
*watch GaYToR flex his muscles in a manly man way. (A Jessie sort of way except without his build or attitude.)*
Carolyn. Step away from the Memphis. This is your only warning.
speaking of bots...
blogger now knows we aren't, so after the pov spoiler and some sleep, we'll go back to the real site for the morning report. ;)
i'll put a notice up here with a link when that happens. :)
Good morning, Carolyn! Hey, I used the downtime last night (tonight, whatever the hell time it is) to finally create an account. So, I'm legit now.
Gaytor, ha ha! I hate when that happens!
Anybody want cake?
Carolyn...Happy to see you back!!
ReporterX...thanks for the kisses, right back atcha, dawlin (okay, I'll stop saying dawlin soon - or not, I may be in Renny mode for the rest of my life. What a fun way to be!!)
Heller..Feeds are back. Dan doesn't look happy....cr@p
YaY for back to the regular page. Back to my Home Page. Where else would I want to start my day?
Yes I am a BBDishChicks addict and my name is GaYToR.
Why does Mem have to shower? He didn't play. Oh, he had Libra feet on his face.
WHO won?
Who won. Please say it was Dan. Please Please Please!!!!
Yeah! DAN
How long before Jerry apologizes and asks Dan if they can be bible buddies?
Dan won POV
Love to all and goodnight...err morning.
Thanks Reporter X and Carolyn
dan won!! :)
dee in IL
Yes Dance!!!!!!
Danny Boy Won!
Glory days!
Van in Jersey
Cripes...everyone looks dismal...what's going on? Anyone getting a better feed than me?
Caption for the Memphis Pic...
"Ya gotta lick it, before you stick it."
Does anyone else remember that song? Circa 1979.
Renny's gotta put up April in jerry's place. that will stop the strategizing between them.
Make em sweat Dan!
Van in jersey
Does anyone have any idea where Renny intended to go with these two nominations? Do you think she went on an HOH "high" especially with the comment she made that she did not want the boys to be complacent this week? I wonder why none of them asked Renny if she wanted to put herself up as a pawn this week? (Just kidding, I know the HOH can't do that). Don't get me wrong, I am a Dan and Renny fan to the end but I truly do not understand this move and can only hope that Dan does win so we can get April out of the house. RedinTexas
Oh God! Now I'm gonna have to watch it all day to watch Ollie argue April's case.
He said it would be like taking candy from a baby. He picked the wrong week to try that tactic.
Take all the candy you want Ollie. I'm sure there are enough lollipops to spare.
I sure am glad they didn't get bologna, then Ollie might have a case.
I meant put up Ollie in Jerry's place, sorry, no sleep. I'm getting giddy. Or is that because I am so F'ing happy that Dan won. Only now they know how smart he really is.
Van in Jersey
I couldn't stand it so I got back up and came to see if anyone was even still here and low and behold, I find a little party going on here :)
And, Reporter X ~ I love your party games to keep the savages having fun.
And, ya'll answers are great!
Maybe Dan got a Diamond Veto and he can select renom! that would make people nervous.
Van in jersey
Sounds like the comp was rather tense.
and like either Jerry or Ollie was close to winning.
Dan won??? Dan won!!!! Oh fer cripes sake!!!
Oh this was so worth the wait.
What did Renny just whisper to Memphis??
DAMN, my feeds aren't working and I didn't even know it, so I had no idea they were over. Over for how long and do we know much yet?
G'nite all you fellow addicts. finally gonna get some shut eye. Wake when the hgs get up.So glad I found this place tons better than the other sites.
Van in jersey
Hi Miss Carolyn or is it Ms? When did you get back and are you OK weather wise? Has the storm hit yet?
And did you get some well deserved rest so you can hangout with crazies watching the craziers?
Before the nominations, Renny said to Ollie that he's be OK, and that she would take him and April up on his promise not to put her for the next 2 weeks. So, who's going up as a floater, and we know how well that always works out....
There are no floater left, gonna be Memphis for sure. She's got deals with Keesha, Michelle, and now O/A. No one left but Memphis.
Well, I've done something wrong or the posts have stopped.
Just want to say God Bless and the sweetest of dreams to all.
I'm fading faster than I can type.
Oh, Gaytor - the song...it was by LaSalle or something like that, right?
Gotta check the weather channel one more time .... so far it looks like you're safe until Mon. Guess that's why I'm up so late - it's the mom in me.
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