Friday Evening in the BB10 House
HGs Say: POV is Tonight
Spark up the feeds..
7:41pm BBT
80's Room
April & Ollie
Ollie says he heard yelling. He thought it sounded like Keesha yelling in the HOH room..
BB: April please put on your mic
Keesha & April
April goes to look for her mic..Keesha tells her the POV competition is tonight..
they move the conversation into the kitchen..
7:44pm BBT
April & Keesha
Keesha tells April again..Production told them the POV comp. will be tonight..
Keesha: That's why we can't have alcohol..
April: I can't stop crying..must be because I got my period..
Michelle joins the kitchen conversation about the POV..Michelle also tells them she was told not to drink..
7:50pm BBT
Renny joins..
Renny: I'm not in the mood for this POV tonight..
Keesha, Michelle & April are discussing their periods..April tells them she keeps crying because she has started her period.
7:53pm BBT
Hippy Room
Keesha & Memphis
Memphis & Keesha talking..Memphis bets Libra is in the jury house..They are reminiscing about their time in the house..
Keesha: We are not a boring cast, thats for sure..
April, Michelle, Dan
April, Michelle & Dan are chit chatting in the kitchen..Ollie goes up to ring Renny's door..Renny does not answer.
Ollie comes down..April and Ollie are discussing the POV comp.
Ollie: What's up Big Brother, is the competition tonight?
Ollie: Good..I didn't know that..
Renny from upsstairs: Did you guys hear that?
April:'s because we were questioning it..
8:04pm BBT
Ollie & April
April: Do you forgive me?
Ollie: I was over it a long time ago..
April: I was in the DR crying about it..
April tells Ollie she is sorry..she is stressed..
Michelle joins..
Jerry from hall: POV tonight..
April: Yeah, we heard that..
Michelle tells them BB told her not to drink any of Renny's wine because POV is tonight..
8:08pm BBT
Hippy Room
Dan, Keesha & Memphis
Dan: We have not had an endurance POV yet..
They discuss past Big Brother endurance events..
8:11pm BBT FISHIES briefly
April, Ollie & Michelle
April says she never watched the internet feeds..
April: That's creepy to think people are watching us..What kind of people sit there and watch us 24/7..
Ollie: What do they show on there?
Michelle: I don't know I've never watched them..
Keesha joins..She also has never seen the live internet feeds..Keesha tells them she found out they show everything. BB told her after she came out of the HOH shower naked..
Keesha: I saw myself in the mirror and thought, oh no, a huge production team just saw me naked..So they told me..
FISHIES Briefly..
Ollie: They can't show that on the internet..
April: They can't..I heard they have a 20 second delay..
FISHIES Briefly..
Ollie says he knows how to do the Thriller dance..April & Michelle asks him to do it..He does not do the dance..
8:26pm BBT
Dan, Memphis
Memphis is cooking..Dan is starring at the memory wall..
Living Room
Dan is alone..talking
Dan: Something is going on in this house..(Pause) I wonder if you know what I mean? (Pause) To find your dreams in this house..(Pause) I am on my grind??
*** Could be picking players for the veto..
8:41pm BBT Still FISHIES
8:49pm bBT
Ollie & April
April: I don't know what they expect of me today..Pick, Pick, I grinning to big?
Ollie & April are discussing what kind of POV comp it will be..They wonder if it will have prizes..and what should they do if there is a prize..
Ollie: I think we both need to play for the veto..
April is talking about sharing her clothes with the women in the house..
April: Maybe America will see it and give me America's Favorite..
April: Michelle is probably sh*ting in her pants right now..
Ollie: Jerry won't give up in this competition..
9:00pm BBT
Renny & Keesha
Renny: You ready to play in that POV?
Keesha: As ready as I'll ever be..
Keesha: They are still building it..
This discuss what kind of comp. they think it could be..
Michelle is hosting.
Renny: They have to go over it all with Michelle..
Keesha & Renny go downstairs to eat..
Keesha, Renny, Michelle, Dan, Memphis, Jerry
BB: Renny please come to the DR..
HG's eating and talking..
Dan is playing in the veto..
Jerry: Dan, this will be your first one in awhile.
Dan: Yep, since week two..
***Veto Players
Renny, April, Jerry, Ollie, Keesha, Dan
Michelle is the host..
9:23pm BBT
Hippy Room
Memphis & Keesha
Memphis and Keesha are discussing Renny's nominations..Memphis does not understand why Renny would say all last week that April & Ollie are two in an alliance and tight, then not put them up together..
Keesha: Yesterday I had no idea Jerry was going up..
Keesha is worried the competition will be tailor made for April..
Dan joins..
Dan: I can't believe Ollie was picked..
They are worried and discussing what will happen if Ollie wins POV..They wonder who Renny will put up..
Dan: Jerry winning it, is not as bad, as April winning it..
Keesha: I agree..but someone's gotta go up..
Dan: And if someone sends your girlfriend out of the house..won't you go after them..
9:37pm BBT
Keesha laughing..
Keesha: Can you imagine Jerry and Libra in the jury house together..That'd be a show in the time the third person got there, they'd done killed each other..
9:43pm BBT
Michelle, Ollie, & April
Michelle & April are counting how many times they have cried in the house..After much counting and explaining why they cried..Ollie says:
Ollie: So, about 5 to 10 times each..
9:55pm BBT
Hippy Room
Memphis & Keesha
Keesha: Do you think April will take Ollie to the end?
Memphis: No..
Keesha: She told me she wouldn't take him to the end because she couldn't win against him..
Memphis: WTF is she talking about..she can't win in the end against anybody..
Memphis: Do you think Renny is trying to keep her here? Without telling you?
Keesha: Who, April? Every things crossed my mind lately..I asked her who do want out? She said April..
Memphis: What she's doing doesn't make sense..
Dan joins the conversation..He just left the DR..
Dan: Do those nominations make sense to you? Um, no..
Memphis: I don't know what she's doing..
Memphis leaves..
10:04pm BBT
Hippy Room
Dan & Keesha
Keesha: It's so stressful..I could hurt Renny..
Dan: I know, we've been hard on her..but if she gave us an explanation we'd feel better..
Memphis comes back licking a lollipop..
Keesha leaves..
Dan: Keesha, will you get me my sucker, please?
10:15pm BBT
Keesha returns with Dan's sucker..hehehe
Talk is all about the "suckers" ..
Dan: I'm not use to lollipops like these..I'm use to suckers..
The lollipops remind them of Pee Wee's Play House..
BB: Keesha please come to DR..
10:26pm BBT
Hippy Room
Memphis & Dan
Dan: Do you think she cut a deal with Ollie?
Memphis: It's almost like a slap in the face..
Dan: He knew he was safe, that's what gets me..
Memphis: They can't win..They can't f-ing win..
Dan says its hard to talk to Renny..
Dan: She's like, I'll put ya up..I'll put ya up..How do you talk to someone like that?
Memphis leaves..Renny comes in..
Dan: I'm surprised you put my key first..
Renny: You want to talk to me about that?
Dan: Nah, I was just surprised..
Conversation changes to Renny's CD..jazz music..and the big lollipops..
10:34pm BBT
Michelle & Memphis
Memphis is telling Michelle, he will be pissed if Renny puts him up if the POV is used.
Michelle: Do you think she will put Ollie up?
Memphis: I don't know, that's what we were just talking about..
Memphis: I promise you whoever goes up we have three votes..we vote to keep each other..
Michelle: Of course, I'd vote to save you..
10:48pm BBT
Hippy Room
Memphis, Dan & Renny
Memphis is telling stories about his drunken adventures back home. Renny is really enjoying them..
Renny tells them a story about her youth..
Her and some friends in a van..
Renny: It was like Cheech & Chong..when we got out all the smoke..
She tells them they end up taking a wrong turn and they become part of parade..
11:02pm BBT
Hippy Room
Keesha joins them..
Memphis is telling another story..
Keesha: Are you high on sugar??
BB: Memphis please come to the DR..
11:17pm BBT
Ollie & Jerry
Ollie and Jerry are frying up and eating some slop.. Yummy..
Hippy Room
Dan & Keesha
Keesha is changing her pants under the blankets..Dan puts a pillow over his head..
Keesha & Dan talk about Steven and how much they liked him..Keesha tells Dan, Steven really liked him..
Memphis comes back from the DR..
Keesha says she met John Stamos in a bathroom at a club..
Dan: In the bathroom??
Keesha: was a unisex bathroom.
Dan: Men and women in the same bathroom in public??
Dan is shocked..He has never heard of uni sex bathroom..
Dan: You guys are serious?? You are looking at me like this is normal..
11:38pm BBT
50's Room
April, Ollie & Jerry
Jerry is yawning and looking really tired..April says she is tired..
April: At least we won't get a wake-up call tomorrow..last time we had a night comp. they didn't wake us.
Ollie is laying on the bed..April is yawning a good bit..It's contagious and comical at this point..Jerry yawns then April..
April: I can't stop yawning..
Michelle joins..She is putting on her make-up..Michelle is wide awake..making jokes..making funny voices...doing little dances..
11:50pm BBT
Michelle goes to check the time..
April: Man, I'm so tired..
April mentions her period..and cramps..
Ollie: If I ever had a time of the month, this would be it..
Michelle comes back making more jokes, funny voices, and funny faces..
Ollie: Michelle you have A.D.D., don't ya?
Michelle: Yes, NO, how dare you..
April: She scares me sometimes Ollie..she says things that are so random..
Michelle: What do ya mean?
April: Out of the say..I'm single and ready to mingle..
April & Ollie cuddle/spoon..
Michelle: Spooning turns to forking, forking turns to knifing, knifing turns, to spatula..
Ollie: It's not an all niter..they can't do that..
April: This is BB they can do whatever they want..
12:09am BBT FISHIES briefly..
12:17am BBT
Feeds back..
Ollie, April & Michelle are testing each other on HG's facts..names, favorites, etc..
12:22am BBT
Feeds back to hear:
Jerry: Old people need to go to bed..
Ollie: Let's turn the lights off..They'll hurry up cuz they'll see we are sleeping..
Jerry: They don't give a sh*t..
They turn off the lights..
Jerry: My contract says because of my age I don't have to work past midnight..
more yawning from Jerry..
12:27am BBT
Hippy Room
Dan, Memphis, Keesha
They are having a party..lots of noise..
Dan, Memphis & Keesha are flicking the lights on and off..
Dan: I saw a hand..
Screams..laughter..Dan says he saw a hand in the mirror..
Memphis: Hey, Mike if you are listening, I want to hear, "LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE"..
12:28am BBT FISHIES briefly..
12:29am BBT
Weird noises are coming from the Hippy Room..
Michelle goes to investigate..
Michelle: Dan are you naked?
Dan: No..
Keesha: Dan I see you..
Dan: I'm putting my shorts on..
Keesha is refusing to turn off the lights..
Keesha: Promise you are done Dan..Promise
Dan: I can't do that..
Memphis: Dan get in your bed..Keesha get in your bed..
Keesha flicks the lights on and off..
Memphis: KEESHA, KEESHA, just go to bed..
Keesha: Does it bother you when I'm quiet..
Keesha screams..Memphis is tickling her in the dark..
They do not trust each other..every time someone turns off the lights someone gets up to tickle or touch another..scaring Keesha in the dark is the goal..
12:39am FISHIES briefly..then to Trivia

I wish Ollie had gone up. But, I think Renny is using him as the replacement instead of Jerry. Her main target is Jerry, therefore she had to put him up. I understand what she is doing, it's just not what I wanted to see. But I still love the Renny!!
i bet it will be the picture thing cause thats always at night.
Yeah April, I am sure that is why you are crying. In your head you can hear us all laughing!!!
Well thank goodness for small favors ... April's not preggers. LOL
Actually I'm really glad it's that time of the month for her because that's bound to affect her game play in the PoV tonight.
That's just TMI from April...good news tho, means no BB baby!! :)
I was thinking the same thing about April. She doesn't think so, but I'd say it was her lucky day! :)
Oh Yay, POV tonight!
Um, does this make me a bad person, lol: I would LOVE to see Ollie mess up (as usual) tonight and not win POV. Of course, I don't want April or Jerry to win either. But, then I want to see the nasty side of April come out and turn on Ollie, berating him for how he let her down and she can't rely on him at all, boo hoo, woe is me, and so on. I'd love to see a HUGE blow up and then have Ollie finally realize how April can really be (I'm trying not to use the b-word, I guess).
I would LOVE if that happened tonight and their showmance ended. THEN, Renny will get all the credit for breaking up that twosome and they will never vote for eachother. But, I still want April out this week and Jerry and Ollie to follow soon after. I don't think that Ollie even deserves a chance to play for himself at this late stage, given how he has hidden behind April and done nothing at all to play this game so far.
Could this mean this might be a double eviction week???
Sorry if it's a stupid question. I've only been watching bb since season 8 and still not sure how all this stuff works
OK. I have to drive four hours tomorrow to visit my dad. (He can't make it to the wedding, health reasons). Soooooo I have to go to bed now, instesd of at my usual 3AM.
Keep an eye on the hamsters. hee heee
ok.. PoV is very likely tonight, sooooooo... since i've been up blogging since about 7:30am eastern, I'm gonna catch a few hours of sleep now and come back once the PoV Comp hits the 90 minute mark...
ReporterX is on the ball. ;)
I guess April's not pregnant... not yet at least. I guess no Ollie/April sexy time this week! April or Ollie can't win POV! April needs to go!
She's on the block, she's pmsing, bloating, cramps, well she has her excuse.
There is only two who will not play in the POV. So who will be sitting on the sidelines. Wouldn't it be funny if Ollie does not get picked.
a bb bebe? lol! ollie did say he didn't use protection when keesha founs prophylaxis, right?
Reading the last comments in which I agree that "yea" no BB Baby but... if there was -- any ideas on A/O baby names or maybe just name it big brother??? :)
Do they know what time the POV is going to be??? Need to know if it is worth staying up for on the east coast!!
That's what happens when you're out of the loop-or under the covers. You miss the important stuff. Do you think A&O are feeling a little snubbed? Don't get your undies in a bunch April, that's just all that 'america love' you're feeling.
I do hope they hurry things along though. April still has designer accessories laying around. She could bribe someone to throw POV. Does anyone know what size Memphis wears?
samantha - thanks. can't post those links though. :(
sleep well, carolyn.
christy - it's extremely likely they wont *start* it till after bbad is over... which is 3am east coast...
nite all - i'll be back at 4:30am eastern
reporterx is here and still posting...
Alice too too funny about the excuses and most likley
On some level I wish the reason for her crying is because she is on the block. At least then we would know her heart was not ice and she has other feelings other than hatred and caring only about herself
samantha_m....Thanks, I need all the help I can get.
I really was hoping for a BB baby (does that make me a terrible person? Who cares!) But come on guys, the chick gets around, she's on something. It was a dental damn that Ollie said he had never used. They were all tested for sexually transmitted diseases going into the house.
Now if April was worried she was pregnant, that would affect her game! Damn it.! how about little brother?
I guess the POV will be tomorrow technically.Cuz it will have to be after BBAD.It's gonna be a long nite. And it's pretty warm tonite too.
I will say gbye
I bow to you all
Carolyn, sleep well.
I'm glad you have us a hint of the possible time. I can't sit here waiting much longer. I am one of the old folks on here. 16 in 1973.
Let's all hope Noms stay the same & we can wave bye-bye to April.
oh, another reason not to like April - she just called us internet watchers "creepy". :) so, maybe not such a good idea to have sex on camera then!
Ba Ha Um...can you say "everything" April??
Okay reading the blog "really" makes me want the feeds. I'd love to see April's face when Keesha told her they show everything on the live feeds :D
I think it is really funny that they are feeling creepy that someone could be watching them right now and I almost feel a little creeped out myself.
I believe that some of them may have never watched the internet but are you telling me they didn't ask some questions before signing on the dotted line.
I really wish the fish would stop-I am waiting for the part where one of them says, "They aren't allowed to show sex are they?"
Excuse me a moment, spit take-April said they try not to show nudity. Ask James and Natalie about that one.
Damn fish!
haha, do you think April & Ollie are just now figuring it out? Yes, Big Brother is watching you!!!
Oh my gosh... none of them are like all of us! I am laughing my head off reading the comments about people watching feeds..and better yet, us..talking, commenting, laughing..sometimes screaming at their game play!
Okay that proves it.... One of us, needs to be cast in the next BB!!
Allison, hear me?
Oh April, April, April......wait till you get home and log on to Utube......even with a 20 sec and Ollie have been captured. And as far as "what kind of people watch that 24/7" I don't know.........half of America...ha ha ha ha ha ha...I would love to see her face when she finds all this out
These people are BB ignorant. They really don't know anything about BB except what they saw on TV.
And I am not a pervert, just because I watch the feeds. I may be a pervert for other reasons but not because of the feeds. That's my story and I am sticking to it. At least until I come up with something better. lol
Oh, are they in for a rude awakening when they get out of the house and see themselves....well...naked.
What does April mean what kind of people what the feeds 24/7. Our kind of course.
20 sec delay?? Are you serious April? What time do you think they show this and where? Oh I know she thinks they show it right after the Disney special
Exactly what do the current remaining HG's think we live feed viewers see?
I love those HG's that think they're such big fans, but don't have a real clue.
Like last season, when Josh convinced everybody that the feeds viewers could only see what the HoH could see. Oh how I loved that one!
Does April really think that her night time ventures with Ollie are a big secret? Oh spare me!
I've been watching pretty much since the beginning and can tell you that nothing is secret in that house ... at least not with us ... and not only that I can attest first hand that nobody in that house needs to see a urologist. Good and healthy streams every single one of them. I know, I know TMI, but y'all get my point.
after reading all the comments I guess I am the grandma of the group.....24 in 1973!
bbwatcher...Nope, I was 25, lol
I've been away from the feeds for awhile and look at all that I missed!
I cannot believe that Ollie is not up on the block too - WTF?
I sooooo hope he does not get to play POV - if he does I hope he royally screws "it" (not April) up!
Wouldn't that be something if Jerry won POV again, and takes himself off and then Renny put Ollie up? Now that I would love to see... April and Ollie tearing each other apart... hehehehe
This question just dawned on me-If April was actually crying because she was on the block, wouldn't that just go to show that she does only care about herself?
Come on, you know it all revolves around her somehow.
Dan is staring at the memory wall? Please oh please let it be the morph comp. If it is I think teacher Dan would have the leg up.
Just think, a teacher is always memorizing faces to remember kids. And he is coach. Come on Dan! Keep staring!
OMG April! Please dont start that crap! "I dont know what they show". Whatever, just getting your story lined up so when you get out, you can continue to bat your eyelashes with that "Who, me"
blank fake face of yours.
She's such a piece of
(Not an April fan, can you tell?)
repost, somehow I always get caught at the end of the last post.
JulieB - Crue Fest \m/ WooHOO
I've seen Motley about 6 times, awesome in concert.
7 in 73
Wouldn't have thought it back when Jessie was in but Michelle is surely sitting pretty.
April thinks we're creepy watching her 24/7. Michelle, Ollie and April confirmed as TV only watchers.
8:16 PM
April is probably sitting there in a panic wondering which of her friends & family have seen her doing the nasty w/Ollie.
Lucyyyyyy, you got some 'splainin' to do!
That is great you can be the grandma of the group! lol
In defense of the BB nuts, they really do try to avoid showing nudity, even on the feeds. We get a couple of accidental shows a season, but they cut them off pretty fast. If someone runs through the house naked, that's fair game. What I don't think they realize is anything besides nudity (April and Ollie) is shown. I forgot who said it, but if they really wanted to be kept off film they would have sex over the covers.
Bottom line is even on the internet they don't show anything that would be considered porn - because they would have to do much stricter checks for feed sign ups and they would loose a lot of customers. We see a lot, we don't see it all.
What ever happened to Dan's underwear being in the freezer? I never saw him find them. How'd he react?
You're right. April is stuck in the "all about me syndrome". Didn't think about it that way. Well shoot there goes that theory. Here I was, for some unknown reason, trying to find something in her to like.
Wait a minute isn't scared... no never mind still all about me syndrome
What in the World is in your mouth?
Are those green grapes? I have been wondering that for weeks?
Grendon - lol! Too late - April said that after their first night of sex. They also hinted that "the producers" got a good show! Where were you?????????????
I am really surprised that April's sister didn't warn her if she had the feeds last year.
It's to late now. (another song title)
Sorry - Evening Report
well there goes my office pool for april being pg! (unless she is lying so no one in there starts to wonder anything...i can only hope right?!?).
good noms...if jerry wins, ollie will hopefully go up...if ollie or april win, someone will go up as a pawn and jerry is going home.
Hi everyone!!
I'm going to try and hang out all night/morning with you all...
I'm excited about this POV..
i dont get it what about BBAD? was it pre-taped?
Oh if they're picking names for the POV please, please, please don't pick Ollie's name.
I'm a begging here
bbwatcher, you got me beat by 4. Just goes to show that any age can get hooked.
Rennny said when she left the diary room it was just a few minutes till POV. Does that just mean to chosing the players?
Is this when they are choosing players for POV?
Please let Ollie not be picked.
I don't trust that he can't win comps, I am afraid he has just been layin low. He really thinks he has the game won.
We really need to see April and Ollie busted for the sex this week, timing is perfect with her on the block. No sex show anyways since she has her period. And she's more emotional so more likely to melt down.
Van in Jersey
yay repX, thank you!
Evening ReporterX
Hope you're having a good night
The POV comp. will start after BBAD goes off..
Estimated time of tonights POV:
3am Eastern/12am BBT
Have they ever show a POV on the live feeds?
They really need to give us a lil somethin here since they screwed us outta the food comp today dammit!
Love this site, but unfortunatley, even though I abide by the rules, none of my comments are ever published. Kind of frustrating, mostly because i have asked a few questions that have not been answered. Just wondering if my messages are being received?
Well, Grandma is going home to bed. My last customer just checked in and I am out of here. Been a great night with you all.
NOW GO TO BED!!! See you all tomorrow. OR I might just check in,unannouced,you never know who is watching so be good.LOL
Damn - did April just say Jerry picked Ollie for POV comp? Nooooooooooooooooooooo!
Sherry C.....well you are right, it does go to show that any age can be a real fan........just don't want anyone equating us with Jerry!.........Geeze
I kinda figured out the whole sex on BB thing last year. Does hummergate ring a bell?
I don't consider it porn, and I don't care what they do with their own bodies (other than the fact that it's selfish not to consider how it effects their families). My biggest gripe is the constant denial.
But then I figured it out. Since they are under the covers they have all developed 'ostrich syndrome'. Bury your head in the sand and if you can't see anyone then no one can see you.
Still thinkin about the songs for hgs
Song for house guests on the block:
Don Henleys- End of the Innocence, I will not go quietly
Van in Jersey
Hi ya, Reporter X! Thanks so much for staying up late with us creepy, pervy late night BB fans. ;)
It blows my mind how none of these people seem to have watched the feeds or checked out some BB sites online before entering the house. Boy, it will be a rude awakening. I'm just laughing my arse off right now thinking how it's adding to April's current stress that she's now wondering if everyone saw her and Ollie online, especially that week in the HOH room! Ha!
Jane, I'm with you. I don't care, call me evil but I at least wanted April (and Ollie) to have a little pregnancy scare while in the BB house. I said it weeks ago that I hoped she was late next month and has to request that BB get her an EPT test. That surely would have made reality tv history!
I just wanted a pregnancy scare, though, because I totally wouldn't wish that on some poor kid. I just wanted to see April freak out, have to take a couple pregnancy tests while in the house, and sit back and laugh while all the the hg's found out about it, did the math, and realized that means April and Ollie were going at it by week 2! Now, that would have been funny!
When I interview for a new job or start anything else new.... I personally research my tail off to give me a better edge... SO say I decided to go on national TV show for say.... half a millon $$$ wouldn't you watch every season and look at the websites- esp. the live feeds during the interview process to prepare for Big Brother!!!
Can I get a AMEN :)
Hi all can't wait to see who wins the POV!!
Nite Rose
April just told Ollie that even if she gets voted out maybe she will be America's favorite...
Reality Check please :)
Now that does it with April.
She wants to give her clothes to the women in the house so America will choose her as Americas favorite? Not because she is loving and generous, as she keeps telling Ollie, but she is now trying to bribe us watchers, Are You Joking!!
She is truley repulsive.
Cool. I am connected!
Did Renny ever get a firm promise from Ollie that if she did not put him up, he promises to not use the POV on April in the event he wins it?
"April: Maybe America will see it and give me America's Favorite.. "
LMFAO. Dream on April. How can you even think that? She thinks she has a Jessica/Eric romance going on. She doesn't remember that Jessica was kind of fun and Eric took weeks to kiss her.
This girl is messed up. At least Jerry seems to be laying low at the moment.
This doesn't look good at all. She should have put April and Ollie up. Now April, Ollie and Jerry all playing for POV. The likeliness of Renny winning POV is slim. Memphis is sitting out. So that leaves Michelle (who better not throw it, I don't trust her at all), Keesha and Dan. Not sure who is hosting. Ugh. My excitement for the Renny HOH is dwindling. Ugh.
So, who all is playing? Do we know yet?
If bbwatcher and Rose are the grandmas , then Im the GREAT grandma...I was 41 in 1973! Old addicts never die they go to the big BBDish......:-)
What, April is going to share? Don't do it babe. We won't like you any better and you'll be out some beautiful duds. It's a game of greed and we know you're greedy. Give it up, take what you can get, we're going to dispise you anyway.
Ilissa : Dan found his underwear the next day or later that night. He told Keesha he would get her back but so far it hasn't happened.
Memphis is not in the POV :(
Christy in a big AMEN!
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. April thinks she has a chance at being picked for America's favorite? NOT!!!!
Ollie still thinks she has such a big heart? And she says she's done soooooo much for Michelle? Yeah right, she only put Jessie up. that's a real favor in Michelle's eyes.
Everytime I hear them talkin together I want to slap them both. they have to be the two most deluded people on this planet!
Van in Jersey
Ollie NEVER promised not to use the POV on April. Just they neither of them would put her up next week.
"I do what I want, I get what I want, and you're too slow." ???? Does she really think he's that into her? Ollie would be smart to turn on her now to save himself and make new alliances, as well as be rid of a selfish, prima donna who will only make his life miseable.
I bet she would even say she is the prettier twin. I don't like her!
Once again I am completely flabbergasted by April's logic. Maybe America will see her try to bribe the girls by giving up her designer duds. This serves the double duty of bribing America into thinking she did something nice even though America just listened to her plan the whole thing thus showing there was nothing 'nice' about it. Yep-you sure got my vote. I think I will soon be learning a foreign language and leaving America.
good night, all.
APRIL......did the HG's not try to tell you that America can watch the live feeds 24/7, therefore saying "maybe I should give all my clothes away and America will vote me America's favorite.....just busted you ......HELLO WE CAN HEAR YOU
Ha, ha, April just told Ollie that she was freaking out yesterday because her period was late. She said that she told Michelle about it, but she also told Michelle that she hasn't had sex. She and Ollie are laughing about it, how nobody knows and won't know until they watch the tapes. He just told her not to talk to BB about them having sex, and that BB can't air it. Ha!
April has a selfish reason for everything she does.
She said she was gonna shate the cloths with the other women, and becasie of it we may vote her America's favorite player..
I would vote her most concieded.
Just like last night when she said they were jealous of her because she is prettier.
PLEASE..It takes more then a pound of make-up to make someone pretty.
Renny and Keesha have 20x's more beauty then April. I can not figure out what they would be jealous over.
This fake plastic girl needs to go, I hope we see April walk out the door this week.
April talking about being late this month and asking Michelle if it could be stress b/c she has not had sex... why can the other house guest not figure it out... seems easy to see!!
Christy in FL said @ 8:53 PM
AMEN Sister!
I'm taking a lead from Carolyn and hitting the bed early. I can wait till tomorrow to see how this all plays out tonight. Thanks to ReporterX. Showing some love to all the lovely DishChicks.
Goodnight all! Y'all behave yourselves ya hear.
If y'all get bored, don't forget I've been chopping away all season ... check me out under Cool BB Links.
Does anyone else think Dan should be the next Blue's Clues guy? hehehe, he'd be perfect.
oh april you silly goose... if you give your clothes to the other women, while it'd be a nice gesture, you just showed there's greedy-ness behind the thought, and it's the thought that counts. you will not be considered for america's favorite!!
grendon - doesn't matter what we consider porn. It's the FCC and FTC under the direction of the Supreme Court. Just for educational purposes (lol)
- sex (in plain view) can be simulated but not actually performed
- erections can't be shown unless in an educational or artistic context
- oral sex has to be simulated
It has to do with "prurient" interests. (Basically is it to turn you on or to educate or enlighten).
Anything can be shown on the internet, it's just that when money is exchanged there are notification rules and age restrictions, and CBS isn't in the porn business (so they would like us to believe). Most of the porn you see online that is free is coming from overseas where the law doesn't apply. That's the "problem" with the internet - we don't regulate what other countries can do.
OK, enough Constitutional Law for today ...
Claire, I am impressed!
My thoughts excatly! Didn't they just go over that? That people watch 24/7? Duh! Geez I think the bleach has hit April's brain cell.
Thanks ReporterX for hanging out with us!!!
In total agreement with the Blues Clues comment...he just has that look doesnt he?
Darn! Wish it was Memphis instead of Ollie!!
Gonna lay down, get up in 3 hours to switch laundry and then if something is happenin' I'll probably sit on the computer for another 3 hours 'til it's time to wake my daughter for her trip tomorrow.
Damn this BB addiction!
** Crisi said...
What in the World is in your mouth?
Are those green grapes? I have been wondering that for weeks?
8:39 PM
THANK YOU for asking that question, Crisi! I've been wondering that as well! They look too big to be grapes to me.
So, TheZanyOne, please do tell! We're stumped!
Will someone explain to me why they cut the internet feeds but BBAD keeps going? I don't get it.
What now Jerry is talking to Dan? Wonder what Jerry wants?
Texas Girl
Not only did they just talk about it, April actually questioned it. Wondering what kind of people watch 24/7............You are right...lots of
I'm sorry I haven't read all of the comments, and I hope I'm not being redundant...but does anyone think there is any chance that the POV comp will be on After Dark? Has that ever happened? If they are just going to be waiting for 3 hours, I probably need to go to bed :-(
Poor Memphis...he's the only one that doesn't have a role in the comp...well...other than spectator!
haha, wow Jane. You really know your stuff!
so did everyone hear April talking to Ollie about her being late but she started "you know what" and they were talking about how know one knows what they are doing in the house... Well we know. He said, in regards to her being late was now that would be some reality TV. Interesting!
Also, maybe because "she started" she will have cramps.......
I find it really funny that the HGs and I are eating cream of mushroom soup at the same time. Total accident.
Ollie just picked his nose and THEN flicked it....
ilissa- Dan as blue's clues-lol! He would be amazing.. although I am sure April thinks she would be a better choice :)
So, what is the liklihood that they will allow us to watch this competition?
I'm jumping on the "are those grapes?" train.
I'd also like to add that Rosaritoe's picture cracks me up every time I see it. There's something about that dog..... Looks like he is pondering something very important.
Ilissa, loved the Blues clues comment. He reminds me a bit of Steve, never was crazy about Joe. Even the grandkids preferred Steve.
Last time I ever saw Steve was a repeat of when he played a murderer on some tv show I think it was Homicide Life on the Street.
I think Dan would be great in a sitcom about a HS teacher who was also a football coach, sitcom, not like Friday Night Lights, which by the way will be all new episodes through DirectTV only this fall ch 101, since NBC cancelled it.
I would have loved to have a teacher like him instead of most of the antique sourpusses I did have. Although we did have one biology teacher who slept her way through a lot of the soph, jr and sr class. Worse than those we've seen in the news.But that was back in 1968-72. We girls thought it was scandalous, the guys thought it was cool and all wanted a chance, and none of us ever thought to tell our parents.
You know April must be one cold person to just rationalize it out on why they wouldn't show her & Ollie.
Now I wouldn't behave like here but you would've had to change my britches, cause I would have just sh** in them if I just heard something like that and I had behaved like she has. Not only the shame but my daddy would kill me when I walked outta that door of the bb house!
illissa - thanks! I've been the official dish-blog lawyer for a couple of seasons, and the unofficial armchair psychologist. You can always count of me for long boring explanations of various things you didn't really want to know more about in the first place. :-)
rennys new nickname shud b edith. as in Edith bunker
CarmenCita - about cutting the feeds, BADD IS on a delay (that maybe be the 20 second delay April mentioned), so stuff they don't want on the feeds gets blocked, but edited out of BADD.
That's how they prevent the "porno" stuff from being on BADD, and whatever else they don't want us to see.
Reporter x, I think I left the Van in Jersey off my last Ilissa about Dan, Blues Clues etc How do you register a name I tried but it didn't work. help!I'm new to Dish
Van in Jersey
Christy - HAHAHA! I spit my drink when I read that. Very true.
I know it's been said many, many times, but I am just so astounded that A & O don't get 24/7 LIVE feeds! And then talk about it on Showtime. Yeah, those college degrees are working for ya huh?
Not only that, she works with primarily males. And you don't think at least one of them has the feeds if a coworker is on them? Oh please let me go to work with her when she gets out. Please???
i hope april stays on the block or jerry comes off i wanna see how she treats ollie when she knows she is leaving. i also wanna see how that little brat handels losing the veto and how she treats ollie when he loses.
Van in Jersey - I prefer Steve too. Joe isn't right for it IMO. Dan would be amazing on the show... Amazing to the point that I'd be entertained, hehe.
In all seriousness, I'm pretty sure Dan would be amazing anywhere.
Jane - Awesome, Good to know!
I think I now have an identity!
Marci that was hilarious!
Two more hours of lying around talking then another at least hour of fishes, to much for me. I'll probably be up when they get done with POV.
Night ReporterX and all you lovely people.
texasgirl - I was just laughing at you. My parents are both gone and I would never think of doing what she has done/said. Let alone my brothers disowning me!
Yay! I do have an identity! I feel so grown up now!!!
All it will take is one person at her work to get the feeds and to find some of the web sites. They will go into work and tell everyone, which means everyone she works with would soon have feeds. I'll bet someone knew someone she worked with and dropped a dime on her. Sorry it may sound cruel but she signed up for it and chose to have sex in front of a camera and to say all the horrendous things she has. imagine if her employers heard all she had said.I have no sympathy for anyone who can say the things about others that she does. she goes way beyond anyone else in BB history.
Even funnier she and Ollie really think they're funny now in the spa room. I think they're just pathetic, not even a giggle. Michelle is much nicer and funnier with the others.
Van in Jersey
Ollie hasn't won a thing all season so let's just hope his streak continues.
I absolutely hate watching A/O so much. Laughing about her being nervous she was late. Her saying she would give the clothes to the girl's & we would vote her America's Choice. It has gotten to the point that I won't start watching BBAD until 30 min after it starts so I can FF thru them.
Good night ReporterX..
Good night all my dear BB addicts..
It was a fun night chatting w/ all of you & getting to know where so many people were from & ssshhh, ages too!!!
Welcome to the club, April in Alabama!
I get it! Edith "ding bat" Bunker.
The latest on TS Fay shows Carolyn's chances are lessening (Thank God). The bad news is, my chances are more likely!
Not sleet, rain, snow or hurricane (well maybe hurricane) can keep me from my BB addiction. How dare Fay!
Just signed back on - I'm laughing at April's comment above about what kind of people would watch the internet feeds 24/7.
Maybe we should post this link on her myspace and let her see for herself!
The finest kind, April.
Sarge! Are you the Sarge I think you are? The ultimate Lobby Fiver? Down to Wondermomma and all that jazz? :)
You know I just wonder what goes through these peoples mind. What??? Do they think that they will be the "one" couple that nobody finds out about or that they don't show on the feeds?
Okay, obviously they do. But I can just hear Homer Simpson in the background when April realizes she's all over the net. Dough!
And I loved your plea to be at her work place the first day she goes back to work. That is if she has a job when she gets out of the house.
You know they started that petition to save Dan's job. I don't think he's the one that needs it. The sad thing is I don't know if anyone would sign one for April.
The boys with the big swirly lollipops crack me up!!
Hi april in alabama!
Oh and g'nite msfitz. Hopefully I'm not too late with that.
Okay I asked this earlier but I don't think anyone answered or I missed it.
But could this mean this might be a double eviction week???
Sorry if it's a stupid question. I've only been watching bb since season 8 and still not sure how all this stuff works
When (not if) April gets the boot... I soooo hope it will be Evel Dick co-hosting with Gretchen on Housecalls to blast April's lil rose colored bubble wide open.
I'm so bad. Eh, I prefer drama that people have signed up for rather than having it in my own life. So, I'm loving the ED/April Housecalls soon to be airing.
*wicked grins*
And... I get Renny's strategy. She's good. She's REAL good.
they are fish switch happy tonight in the control room... goodness!
Renny is weird since she got hoh. I don't like this Renny. She's over-analyzing the game without seeming to really understand how it's played.
I don't like it. It makes her seem stupid. Not just because I didn't get my wish to see April vs. Ollie, but just everything.
Not the fun HOH ass-kicking I was expecting. Now it's just strange. I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
[... just don't hurt my Memphis ...]
Jacki - Sorry, but don't know what you are referring to. I am married woman with 5 young kids and since I can remember, my Dad always referred to me as Sarge. He said I always knew how to get things done. The nickname has stuck. Even my kids call me that sometimes. I have watched BB since season 2, but only have gotten the live feeds since season 9. Fun times! And Carolyn and crew are awesome!
So... I think April and Ollie will be very shocked to learn what has been shown on the feeds. They obviously have no clue. Pretty embarrasing.
I really want her out though. She is so annoying. Contradicting herself and being a hipocrite and all. I mean, C'mon, she really does not have much going on up there. Keesha is annoying with her voice and whatever, but at least she has some gameplay going for her.
Sarge aka Rhonda in AZ
come on, BB! I was enjoying Memphis' story & the fish AGAIN! He wasn't naming names - he was being entertaining. What's up with the fish tonight?
Texasgirl - I'm not sure how this works either. I was thinking because there were only 13 HGs this season, there might not be a double eviction.
Still not knowing diddly, I get the feeling they are expediting some of the production - maybe they want to have the POV filmed so they can edit it in early.
BB - Izzy, stop talking about production!
Izzy - Bite me!! LOL
SimplySam...I was thinking the exact same thing!!
How are you holding up ReporterX??
Hey Caroline,
Are you going to stay up and blog during/after the POV comp or are you calling it a night soon? Haha I'm trying to decide if it's worth staying up for. :)
er, i meant reporterx
haha sorry my bad
April in Alabama, I followed your lead and used the downtime to finally create a blogger account. Woohoo.
Heh, I had to do something to stay awake, tonight's BBAD is so boringgggggg.........
Here's hoping that Ollie stinks in the POV comp tonight, and Keesha wins so April will be so pissed that she'll turn on Ollie. If there isn't any fighting on BBAD again soon, I might be tempted to cancel Showtime!
Thanks izzy for the info
Every time I see a comment with "April" in it, it throws me back...I'm not used to seeing my own name so much, boy am I glad that the comments aren't about me! I wouldn't like myself very much!
Hey ya'll!
Samantha ~ did you get Showtime just for BBAD? I didn't know it was on there when I subscribed. I got it for Dexter (LOVE that show!) and then heard Carolyn, and ya'll talking about it here. I had never watched it before the end of last season and I'd had Showtime for a while. That got me hooked enough to have to have livefeeds, which I had not had for several seasons. If it wasn't for BBDishers, I don't think it would be as fun to lose 3 months of my life like this. I've always felt a little guilty about my BB obsession till I found Carolyn and you guys.
You know, kinda' like a support group like AA, NA, know?
Ya'll made me feel normal..LOL
question to the east coasters ~ are the Olympics still on there on the east coast? It says LIVE on my Olympics but we can't both be seeing it live when you guys get it 3 hours before us. On mine Michael Phelps just won the 7th Gold and I was just wondering if it was old news or truly live.
OK, I'm bored. What do you want? I don't write poetry, sing or dance. But I know how to ask mundane questions.
Sherry, I'm central time and saw that race earlier this evening
Come on April get really sleepy.
Hopefully the comp has something to do with staying awake?
Reporter X, thanks for hanging with us and keeping us updated. With you doing this, I can watch the Olympics and pass on BBAD and live for the night.
You ROCK!!
Not for nothing, but tonight's BBAD has been almost as thrilling as doing my tax returns.
You think they would be trying to do something to stay awake for the POV comp. They need some damn coffee. I can only imagine what this crew will be like when there are only 3 or 4 people left.
Oh, BBAD's over.......time for the comp!
LOL that would be funny, (and short,) if it is about staying awake. They are gonna' drop like flies. They're all tired, and drinking earlier tonight probably isn't helping. Plus it h as been a stressful day in the house already.
We will be able to see it, right? We have before, if I am remembering right. It was POV when Natalie was hanging on the ball right? And we got to see all of it. But, did it start earlier in the night?
Come on younguns with good memories.
Good question ~ why aren't they drinking coffee??? that's crazy. Maybe they are waiting till Michelle gets called in to get the directions for hosting?
Texasgirl - you're welcome...sorry I don't know more.
ReporterX - once again, thank you so much for hanging in.
Can't believe the feeds are still going.!
I think that was for hoh if my memory serves me correctly. Cause she made the deal like Michelle did on the wall with April. Don't put me or my hunny up and we won't put you up deal.
I think at least
and that was the week matty went home, just like jessie
Thanks :-) I'm here..doing fine..
I'm not even tired..I could compete in this problem LOL
TY all for being here :-)
I'm excited about this comp..I'm up til I know who wins..Carolyn will probably join us in about an hour..
I hope this is a short POV. I know that the hg's are sleepy but it's only like what 10pm there. It's 2am where I'm at. Don't know how much longer I can make it.
texas, you're right. I remember now. So, in your memory have we gotten to see a late, late POV before? Or, do we have to wait till it's over to know? I don't think I can wait that out unless I have some JAVA.
I've watched BB since the very first season, read this blog for the last two season, and never felt the need to post here. That should say something about these houseguests.
We've seen delusional houseguests before, Amber, Natalie!?! But there seemed to be more reasons to this, April on the other hand just needs to get a clue. America doesn't love her, like she thinks. Mainly, because we are not stupid.
I agree Renny is acting differently. Mainly, I think she's lost sight that she should not discuss her endgame (true endgame) plans with anyone else. Do not point out that you don't want to make enemies, especially when your alliance has made moves to eliminate the other alliance openly. They might realize they should get rid of you after the other side is gone, as you as now the biggest threat to win the whole thing.
Sherry C: They always replay the Olympics coverage at 3am Eastern Time (although it still says "LIVE". Michael Phelps won that race at about 10 o'clock EST. *10:10am Beijing Time*
See now that's what I don't know. Cause I just started watching during season 8 and found this site and read it. Last season 9 I tried just watching the tv without the dishchicks. That was not the way to go let me tell ya. Too much is lost. And on top of that unfortunately I don't have the feeds. Hopefully next season. That is if I can't talk hubby into it this season.
it's 12:20 here...not early here either. we get BBAD from 9 - midnight.
texasgirl... there is only a 2 hour time difference from ca and texas...... its 12:17am in CA right now.... not 10 lol.
Decisions, decisions........I know if I go to bed now, it will be a quick POV comp and you'll all be here telling who won.
On the other hand, I know that if I stay awake waiting to find out who won, it will be HOURS before we know.
Hmm, I need to rig up the laptop to beep an alert for me when the DishChicks do a new post. Can somebody please get to work on that for me? LOL.
Hey gang - It was HOH with Gnatalie! That was the night they stupidly voted James back in!
FYI - If you missed it - beach volleyball in 10 minutes. Not sure if it is a rerun. Probably. (central time)
Glad you're so awake ReporterX. We better at least get to see some of this comp for staying up!
Morning Izzy Dawlin'
anon @ 12:17
sorry, see I told you I wasn't sure how long I can last. Simple math is becoming harder by the minute and typing is taking
Sherry -- the olympics are LIVE only for the east coast... there is a 12 hour time difference from the east coast and china so they get it live. everyone outside of the eastcoast gets a recorded broadcast. Helps me out because I'm in CA and my sister is in NY so she can tell me exactly when Phelps' races are!
Okay that's it for me. Y'all have a good night??? or morning?
Good to talk to all of y'all and get to know y'all
Ha ha, I hope that April, Jerry and Ollie fall asleep and are all out of it when the POV starts!
Hello and thanks Bentley and it's nice to see you. Michael won it at like 10:00 here too, lol. 10:00 PST.
Anyway, about Renny. I have been thinking for a while that she, like Dan, is a student of the game and has had a game plan in wait for when she finally won HOH. Why else to distance herself from her BF Keesha? I think she has been biding her time, with a plan in place to take the most "unpleasant" or weakest player to the end. I can't imagine Renny wanting to be in the house unless she knew the game before she came. At 50 I can't imagine wanting to do this unless you really knew the game and came in with a plan. It might not be a GOOD plan but it might be her plan.
Just a thought...
Good night Texas girl!
I think I'd better get to bed myself. I'm starting to fade. Hopefully, I'll wake up in an hour or two so I can check back in here to see if we know the winner yet. I'm hoping Keesha wins, just to tick off April.
Good night everyone! Thanks ReporterX and Carolyn!
anonymous ~ I'm in Oregon but I really like watching it like it's live. I TIVO football games and avoid the news here and on TV so it feels like it's live.
Denial and delusion are wonderful friends...
Mornin' Marci dawwwwwlin!!!
Gawd...still with feeds?? Even with the bedroom darkout lights? But they're having fun.
Oh these poor people!!
Nite nite Texasgirl, sweet dreams.
Izzy ~ those poor people?? what about these poor people?? but, I guess we have a choice to be up, they sort of don't...
tired rats in a maze..
Come on BB - Get this comp going! So much for midnight start!?!?
here we go......yee haw!
Good plan... ollie thinks if they sleep they'll hurry, but keesha dan and memphis got it right.. if they annoy the crap out of production by playing with the lights they'll hurry. LOL
Thank you BB - Here we go!
Sherry C - right! We have the choice.
Maybe BB was giving us feeders a break...although we were all actually hoping for a midnight POV that would be over by now.
Honestly, as an almost senior citizen, I was getting worried about Jerry tonight.
However, by tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be ready to kick his @ss again for something stupid he said!
ummm my feeds took a dump... i dunno whats wrong!! they wont work now... it keeps thinking i'm not a member but i am.. and i try to log in and it logs me in but then it wont play the feeds. what the heck!
Anon - have you tried entirely rebooting your computer and then signing on?
Ran into something similar and reboot worked.
How long has the trivia been on? I have been checking in between helping my husband build a storm trooper costume and of course while I'm gone the comp starts!
hmmm...My feeds are working. I had to clean up my disk and reboot the other day when that was going on..just a thought.
Izzy, I am right there with ya'. Almost a "well preserved citizen" as well. Hate that silly senior word, unless it means I am going to graduate from something...oh, I am graduating, from life, duh.
But, as much as I admire the Colonel's fortitude, I sure do hate having to hear how old he is every minute. Renny doesn't play that card, and I admire that more.
OMG its $:15 AM here! I just got up to come and check on what's happening. How long ago did comp start?
Van in jersey
Thanks everyone, rebooting helped my feeds are working again! Phwew I was about to get angry! LOL.
Van, less than an hour ago...could be a while.
I think i am going to bed and count on ya'll to tell me what happened in the morning.
A girl's got get her beauty sleep, ya' know?
night night
OMG, I just found this Bio on April
I don't have to say much. It speakes for itself, even her favorite movie, haha
Age: 30
Hometown: Higley, AZ via Arlington, NE
Occupation: Financial Manager
Marital Status: Single
April graduated from Doane College in Crete, NE with a Bachelor's Degree in Sports and Fitness Management. She is currently working as a Financial Manager at a car dealership and does well in this "man's world".
She admits to being OCD and can't sleep at night if the bottles in the refrigerator aren't lined up properly.
April's mother has always been there for her though they do have occasional differences of opinion. She describes her father as her "rock" and says he is her number one supporter. She has an identical twin sister, who is pregnant, and both have the same tattoo on their lower backs. Her favorite foods are carb-laden and include pasta, bread and Fruit Loops cereal. Her ideal romantic partner is fun, outgoing, adventurous, caring, patient, understanding, motivated and smart and she wonders if wanting all of these qualities is the reason she has yet to marry. She has a Siamese cat named George.
She describes herself as outgoing, competitive and attractive and is most proud that she's a college graduate. She likes football and basketball and roots for the Nebraska Cornhuskers and the Phoenix Suns. Her favorite activities are watching sports, grilling outside, bowling and having sex. Her favorite movies are "Dumb & Dumber," Remember the Titans" and "Crash." She loves all types of music and her favorite artists are Dave Mathews, Madonna and Gwen Stefani. She reads Cosmo and particularly likes to read gossip magazines.
Didnt i tell you guys I would get up and you would all still be waitting. Little did I know it was for the POV.
Off to work I go.
Go to sleep guys.
New top post..while we wait..
Hi everyone!!
Boy did we get screwed tonight on Olympic volleyball tonight. they cut away from an incredible elimination match of beach volleyball in the final game to go to the pool and then came back just at the end of last game.then cut away again at just after match point. I know the swimming was critical, and I love watching plelps, and the others but why didn't they just save the beach vb for later or at least the entire final game not just a smattering. no interview with victorious US team either. Then with the mens indoor vb they come in the middle of the 3rd of five games after we won two already. Gee, we only need to finish the end of the 3rd and we win match, not much excitement. lousy programming. You'd think with 4 channels to show plympics on they could do a better job.
Yeah Phelps 7 GOLD! and what a poor sport Cavic was to file a protest.
Van in Jersey
Sherry C - I agree - senior was a gratuating word!
And Renny - I don't think she'll ever go there. She's like us, forever young!
C'mon BB - enough with trivia.
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