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While we wait for the fishies to swim away and show us the HGs,
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Thanks to ddugo for this wonderful cap. See more caps at DishCaps
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While we wait for the fishies to swim away and show us the HGs,
Caption This!
Thanks to ddugo for this wonderful cap. See more caps at DishCaps
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"this is just a close up of whats gonna happen later"
Spanking time! LOL
"Hold still.. the seams on your shorts and underwear are not together.."
1 Way to Cap it...Ollie: "April...this really isn't how I envisoned a 69."
The other...April: "See Ollie, THERE'S my G-Spot."
But seriously, right as April started to massage Ollie on the shoulders when this happened, Ollie said "Stop, you're gonna make it bigger!" You really can't get ANY better than that!
~ Ryan ~
April: "Where is it? I know you had it last night!"
While you're down there....
"time for mommy to change you diapers"
I'm still waiting for the light to come on in their heads and go "holly cow, America's is watching 27/7"........well maybe not.
They do gross me out!!!
<3 Christy
You all are great and crack me up!!! Thanks for all you do!!
"I know that things in there somewhere"!
I just need ten dollars, no twenty, wait better make it thirty. Oh I want that hat too so just sixty. Then there's parking and lunch, but I don't eat all that much, one hundred dollars should do it. You had a shirt at the dry cleaners didn't you? I think one hundred and fifty should be just about enough. Wait, wait I'm getting my hair done so I'll just take two hundred. You don't need anything do you, no I didn't think so, I off don't wait up I'm meeting with a friend form the team, bye bye honey.
Let's try it this way! Will it work?
Let's try it this way! Will it work?
"I know that I used a condom, ... but I heard on "Friends" that they are only 97% effective. I'd better check myself"
"If we try it this way, I won't ruin my designer outfit, right?"
Ollie saying "Umm April? Being on my back isn't meant to be taken LITERALLY!"
April: "Ollie hold still the Preperation H will stop the burning!"
" I licked Deon here, Tyrell here, Nate here and oh yeah Kobe right there."
Ollie gets a butt massage AND a new afro ;)
"Trust me I know how to give a sports massage."
Helloooooooooo all!
Ok my first thought of the pic isn't very nice and no idea if i can "go there" so i'm gonna just leave it be.
April, please make sure you wax or shave before tonight. Thanks.
"So THAT"S where Keesha hid Dans underwear...."
So that's where the extra key is!
"C'mon, Ollie, use your brain!"
"Oh wow I didnt think I scratched you that bad. I guess I did in the heat of the moment"
Hmmm, I've seemed to have lost my dignity somehwere.... Maybe it's here
michigan man...
you had me literally laughing out loud, hubbys wondering why i'm laughing at the puter...
"For the last time, Ollie, your wazoo is right there."
WOW you do need a trim April...
"April wait till I turn over honey"
"Pretend Im The Colonel let me dig in your trench"
OH So there is America's Player.
Anonymous # 37
I'm sorry, I thought this was funny so I hadta post.
Ollie: "OHHHH!! So THIS is where babies come from !?"
~ Ryan ~
Mmmmmm! Tastes just like chicken!!
Ollie - "It smells like the Green Bay Packers"
" Ollie I told you to go f' yourself. Now let me show you where to put it."
we might as well do it out here and in the day, what's the point in hiding, right??
It was right here...all over my back. You have to watch where you point that thing Ollie!
"So that's what an ass looks like?"
No, Ollie - I swear, this is how you 69!!
"Ollie, You KNOW random dingleberries are sooo not okay with me! Let me organize them for you. RIGHT NOW! Hold still!"
You've been on the block before...I can tell!
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